Saturday, January 7, 2012


Baby Fogle!

Yesterday Mike and I went for our 12 week check up and first ultrasound. I will tell you one thing, when they do that ultrasound and you see your baby for the first time, it leaves your absolutely speechless. I just kept looking at the screen and thinking, "Oh my gosh! This is MY baby!" We were so giddy! The ultrasound tech was great. She showed us all the parts and said that everything looks great. Mike and I just smiled and smile and smiled. We had a blast!

As soon as they put the instrument on my stomach you could see the baby moving all around in there. In fact the first thing the baby did was jump straight up and do a flip. We have a hyper little one on our hands. We caught the baby flipping, moving from side to side and even putting his/her fingers into it's mouth. The ultrasound tech did capture a picture of the fingers in the mouth  and....we have 5 fingers! You can see all 5 in two of the pictures that we have and I'm pretty sure they are opposite hands that we captured. They baby's feet kept turning every time I would go to count or look, but I am sure everything is there that needs to be! It's so weird to see the baby moving because I can't feel a thing!

This picture is from the top of the head looking into the baby's brain. See those 5 precious little fingers?!

The baby's heart rate is 158, so if we go by the old wives tale, we will have a little girl, but I told Mike as soon as we left though that I thought I saw boy parts. When the ultrasound tech moved the instrument so she could be a shot of the baby from underneath, I saw two little legs and something in the middle. It could have very well been the cord though. I honestly don't care either way, I'm just dying to know!

The baby was measuring big for the due date they had calculated for us. The tech measured the baby from crown to rump and the computer told her that based on the size of the baby that our due date should be July 18, 2012, but Dr. Grider kept our date at the 23rd. I would say that since Mike is 6 foot 5 we are going to have a long baby, so I bet that is why he/she is measuring big. Hey Mike, I didn't kill your gene pool after all! :)

This one is a little blurry in the picture I took, but if you look closely you can see the baby has his/her hand in the mouth. I may be partial, but is that not the most precious baby you have ever seen?! We're in love!

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