Sunday, June 23, 2013

Nailed it!

Ok so have you seen the "nailed it" pictures on Pinterest? If not here is the gist of them. Basically Pinterest makes everything look so easy and so perfect: The "Even you can do it!" type thing. Well that's not always the case and things don't turn out as perfectly as they are in the pin that you saved on your board...hints the "NAILED IT" pictures. People who try, but did not succeed. Here are some of my favorites I have stumbled upon....

This next one if my favorite!
HAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Poor girl!

Basically they are people making fun of themselves when a Pinterest project failed and I joined the club sometime last week. I need to face it. I'd like to think that I am crafty, but I am really just not. I am not the creative kind, but every now and then I can recreate something I've seen before and that's why I love Pinterest. I can simply find something I like and recreate it. That is if I have the patience. That is where I am lacking. I hate to paint things two times, to just play around with the project and see how it would look the best, etc, etc, It just drives me crazy! I just want it finished ASAP. Every now and then though I do like crafting and I decided for Father's Day I'd try this little project I had seen on the perfect world of Pinterest:

Doesn't look too hard, right? All I had to do was to paint the board, write the saying (of course replacing mom and grandma with dad and Papaw), get Addy's hand prints and viola! Yea right. Easier said than done.

I painted the canvas, twice, which I HATE by the way...why can't I just paint it once?! Anyway, then it was then Addy's turn to put those cute little paw prints of hers on the canvas. Here is what we got:

NAILED IT! Or something like that! That's pretty pathetic, isn't it?!  Oh well!

So then I was frustrated because I had already spent the time to paint the board two times. I had every intention of trying it again, but I never made it around to it. Oh well. I bought my dad something really nice from the store :)

There was another Pinterest project and I didn't do too bad on. This gift was for my hubby though and technically it was his Father's Day gift from Addison.

I saw this picture a while back and I loved it:

How cute is that? Of course I was feeling crafty and decided to try it my own self and this time it was pretty successful!

How cute is that?! Mike loved it! I guess I didn't nail the first one, but the second one isn't too shabby! Maybe next year I'll try my hand at the project again. Until then I'm just going to be bitter it didn't turn out like planned. Kidding, I think it's hilarious!

Sweet summertime

This little cutie...
has been one social butterfly this summer! I have been LOVING the time that I have at home with her and we've been visiting, playing, swimming, swinging, walking, playing, crawling, you name it, we're doin' it this summer!
There is a new park off Shelbyville Road, not sure what it's called,but it's really neat. Mike discovered it and wanted to take is kayak to go fishing. Addison and I decided we'd go along and play at the splash park while he fished and we would meet up with him. She wasn't really big on the splash park because the water was freezing, but she did LOVE the swing..

We stopped for some lunch and to try the water out again...

but we ended up right back in the swing...
Every time I stopped the swing this is what happened:

So we continued to swing and since then we have gotten a swing at our house which we have used the daylights out of!

We also went to visit Mimi and Papaw a couple of days ago. There is a park by their house and look what we took advantage of...

We've also been taking at least one walk a day. She loves to be outside! Aunt Madi and Uncle Billy joined in as well. Last time I took a walk with those two I went in to labor....oh geeze!

Addison has also been practicing her splits ;)
And of course we have been outside playing in the sunshine! Addison loves the pool my mom got for her as well as her water table. A couple days ago we went outside to play with them, but daddy was mowing the yard and she wanted to watch him instead. Each time he would circle around, she'd clap for him and yell, "YAY!!!! DA-DA-DA-DA!" side note: must be nice to have your own chanting fan club! :)
Here is Addison watching her daddy mow and taking a break from playing at the water table:

And of course,  I have to show some random pictures of my sweet girl, because Lord knows I don't flaunt her all over this blog anyways. HA!

Did I mention I LOVE summer break...because I do!


People always told me that the teething stage was just awful. And it is, not because Addison has been a bear though, but because I feel so bad for her when her little teeth hurt. She is always such a trooper, but you can tell she's just been uncomfortable. She just cut her first tooth about 2 weeks ago and ever since then she has been a tooth popping factory! She is now working on a 4th I do believe. She has her two bottom teeth, and one that is on the top. It's not the middle top teeth, it's one on the side but I can't tell which one yet and we are working on another. The other night, bless her little heart, she was so uncomfortable and only Mommy would do. I put her to bed and she was restless and she yet crying out while she was sleeping. Finally she woke up and I gave her some Tylenol, rocked her and tried putting her down. Every time I tried to put her back in her crib she would scream and hold on to me for dear life. She also got a belly ache that night, so she had some other medicine to help with that, but finally around 2:30 in the morning she found some relief and got some sleep. The next morning she woke up with that second bottom tooth I told you she had. Poor little trooper, I can't imagine how badly that must hurt!
I did manage to get a pretty cute little picture of Addison's two bottom teeth...tell me that's not adorable!

Gone fishin'

Little Addy Bug put her fishin' pole to good use a couple days ago when she ventured out on her first ever fishing trip. It was a hit, let me tell ya! That girl is always a good time!
We went to a farm that belongs to a man that we use to go to church with and we had to ride his gator to the back of the property to get to the pond. Our little dare devil yelled, "WEEEE!!!!!!!" the entire time we drove. She isn't scared of a thing!

Then she got to where she wanted to drive the gator...

There were the tiniest little fish right beside the dock and they would literally bite as soon as you'd put the pole in the water. We didn't even have cast. Here is the first fish that Addison ever caught. He was a wee one for sure!

Fishin' with her daddy, Barbie pole and all. My husband was in hog heaven!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Family Dedication

Yesterday, on Father's Day, Addison was dedicated to be raised in a family who serves the Lord and teaches her his word. What a great part of Father's Day in my opinion! We pretty much stood in front of the church and promised to be an example of a Godly man and woman, show her a marriage centered around Christ and raise her to know God and his word. What a big responsibility that should never be taken lightly. If there is one thing I want for Addison in life, it is to grow up and love the Lord and accept Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. I know Mike and I both whole heartily believe that Jesus died to save us of our sins and I want nothing more for Addison to make the same confession. So we have promised to raise her in a household that will show her the love of God and I know I am personally praying for her heart and for the day that she accepts the Lord into it!

Addison's picture on the screen before the service

waving to the crowd...I'm telling ya, she's a ham!

She was WAY past her nap time at this point and this was the best we could do..

Mimi, Papaw, Aunt B, Aunt Mad, Great-Papaw...

Nanny, Pawpaw...

Cousin O, Aunt Rachie and Uncle Chris all came to watch!

Addison, my biggest prayer for you is that one day you grow to accept Jesus into your heart. Until that day I promise to be a role model and an example of a woman who lives in a Godly way. I love you and I am so proud of you!

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