Saturday, May 30, 2015

The end of 2 Year Preschool

My what a year it has been for Addison at school. She just finished up her first year of preschool where she grew so much. Addison made so many friends this year and loved her teachers, Mrs. Mary and Mrs. Elizabeth. Her best friends were Molly, Ana, Chloe and Adarah. She loved playing in the kitchen where she and her friends made each other "healthy foods" like salad. She also enjoyed the play dough center and reading books. Mike and I have been amazed at how much she learned. Two things that really impressed us we're her knowledge of patterns and of metamorphosis. It's been a wonderful year and Addy is so excited for next year as a big three year old!
First day of school

Last day of school

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

I'll never forget the day I became a mom. Next to the day I married Michael, it's hands down the best and most amazing day of my life. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for the love I instantly felt when Addison was born. I remember saying over and over how amazing she was, and boy does that get truer everyday. This little girl who was intrusted to us by God is the best gift I've ever received! She's amazing! "Every good and perfect gift comes from above" is a verse that hangs in Addison's room and she is such a perfect gift. I feel so grateful to be trusted with the huge responsibility of raising her. She is funny, smart, compassionate, witty, brave, and kind and I couldn't be more proud of her. 

So what did we do on Mother's Day? We celebrated my wonderful mother over lunch and went to the zoo!

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