Tuesday, April 30, 2013

If only...

Addison is my hero. If I could only be as brave as she is and have a good attitude like she does. It's quite amazing how I look up to someone so small, but I do! We started a daily shot with her last Friday, which is a pretty painful one. Everything I've read from others who get the shot say it burns and stings and isn't very comfortable. When we give it to Addy, she obviously cries but about a minute later she has calmed down and is ready to play again. I of course feel that I'm scarred for life, but she's forgotten all about it. What a brave little girl! This is Addison approximately two minutes after her shot today... :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A new beginning

Today marked a new beginning for me. This morning when I got up and got on Facebook my entire newsfeed was filled with friends who had participated in the derby mini-marathon this morning. I started thinking back to this time last year and I stumbled upon a blog post I had done about getting back in shape after I had Addison. My goal last year was to train and run the mini this year and that was my plan on getting my "pre-baby-body" back. Wellllll.....that didn't quite happen and for more reasons than one. First, it's hard to leave your baby after you've worked all day! You've just spend almost the entire day away from her and the last thing you want to do is willingly leave her again! Two, after being on my feet all day long at work I'm pooped! I have no energy and I just want to veg on the couch lol. Third, Addy's health scares have kind of put a damper on our everyday life these past couple of months.  (she's doing great by the way, but that's another post!) Excuses, excuses, I know! I was kind of hoping that my body would be like all the friends of mine that have had babies. It seems like their baby weight simply fell off of them about an hour after their baby was born and they left the hospital in their regular/ pre-baby jeans, but it didn't work that easily for me. Then I decided to beg God to make it fall off, but no success there either lol. There's some days when I feel like this...

but I guess it's time that I start feeling good about myself again no matter what, so I'm just gonna have to buck up and put some blood, sweat and tears into getting back into pre-Addy shape. (BTW that e-card cracks me up...one of my favorites)

So here I am, a year later and still haven't trained for the Derby mini. The more I thought about it today the more and more I was disappointed in myself for not holding myself at least somewhat accountable to the goal that I had set, so I made a decision. By darn, I'm gonna run a mini! It might not be the derby one, but I am going to run one. So I started looking on the internet and I found one that is going to be in June in Chicago! Hmmmm....mini weekend vacay?! So I ran it by the hubs and he was game. I also asked him if he wanted to run with me and he very quickly declined but said that he and Addison would be there for support. As Salvadore would say..."Encouragement, YEAH!" (Please tell me you've watched Couples Retreat a million times like me and know this line?! If not, get off the computer and watch that movie! You'll thank me later!)

So yea, in June I'm running the mini and today marked the first day of the training. I dragged my little tail ( which isn't so little, hints the purpose of this whole ordeal!) and jumped on the treadmill. I downloaded an app first to help me with the training and I followed the plan for today. I ran 6 minutes and walked three then repeated 2 more times. Not too bad, but I can tell that I'm outta shape. Girls you know the feeling when your running and things are moving that you know shouldn't be moving? Well that was me times 10 today. I gotta get rid of this junk in the trunk!

So there we go, a little over 2 miles on the first day. I purposely didn't take a picture of the time it took me to run that far. I don't think you'd be very proud, but two miles is better than no miles!! HA!

My goal is to keep track of my progress on the blog as well. By no means and I going to tell you my starting weight, but I do think I'll record the weightloss as it does start to come off. Also, don't worry, you'll not be seeing any "selfie" pictures with my stomach showing week by week because girls that post all that on the internet gross me out!  I'll need some encouragement from all my blogging friends too because it is me and my app doing this training and I'm SURE there are going to be days when I will feel like getting on the couch or back in bed, but I can't because I want to feel better about myself! AND if you're feeling spunky and want to go to Chicago this summer I could use a running partner :)

So here it is, the starting pictures taken in the gym bathroom lol. I'm excited to see the progress over the next 10 weeks.

Here goes nothin'!

A whole bunch of nothing...

I've kinda had writer's block this week but I took some pictures I really wanted to share, so basically in writing about nothing and sharing some pictures.

Last weekend I cleaned the house all day with my mom while Mike worked because Addison got really sick. When she was on the mend I wanted to make sure that I cleaned the house from top to bottom to rid the house of any possible germs, so please excuse the way I look in these pictures. I wanted to show you how much Addy loves popsicles. These are the sugar free, frozen fruit juice kind, so I didn't feel so bad letting her have a lick, or two, or twenty ;) because they are simply frozen juice.

This little stinker had to have her mattress lowered this week for the first time because I put her down for a nap and pulled the monitor up on my phone only to see her pulling herself up and looking over the edge of the crib. I took off in a dead sprint up the stairs because it looked like she was going to flip over. She was having a blast though...

She wanted out so bad...can ya tell?!

Seriously I have nothing to write about, but just wanted to show you some pictures :) Hopefully something worth reading will hit me soon!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Random thoughts from a tired mommy

Today I was taking some pictures of Addison and when I flipped back through the pictures I almost fell over. She looked so big in some of the pictures and I about died! Where is my baby going?! Mommy friends, I am sure you can attest, time goes by WAY too fast!

Also, Addison is feeling  much better. Some of you knew this, but Addison had a little spell with RSV and scared us to death. She is doing MUCH better now...thank you for your prayers!

In other news, I am going to kill my dog. Not literally, but still. She has now decided that she doesn't require a leash to take a walk around the neighborhood. I let her out 2 times today and she took off. Both times Addison was sleeping and I was home alone. Good thing she came back because I wasn't able to go track her down. URG!

We've been so busy that I haven't even had the chance to stop and think about the fact that Keeneland's spring meet is going on. I can't believe that I haven't made my way up there. Note to self: must do that soon.

I'm exhausted and going to bed, but of course I'll leave you with some pictures of my growing angel girl...

One of Addison's new favorite toys. It's the best 50 cents I've ever spend. 

I could eat her up!

Addy has a new found love with her toes.

I LOVE this picture!

Why does my baby look so big in this picture?!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

No mama!

Dear Mommy,

No, I do not look at the camera anymore. I know exactly what that thing does and I know how much you love having pictures of me, but I no longer look at you when you have the camera out. What I can do for you is turn my head slightly to the side and continue to grin because I think it's pretty funny that I can not give you the picture you want. I can also turn my head the other way whenever you try to move the camera around. I'm sorry mommy, it doesn't matter how many noises you make, songs you sing, or how many times you say my name, I simply do not look at the camera anymore. I still love you though and will scream if you walk in the other room, so I will keep a close eye on you even if I have my head turned while you have the camera out.


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