Tuesday, January 10, 2012

12 weeks: "Plum crazy"

Here we are at 12 weeks:

This week I've felt pretty good. I have started to show a little more. Good thing I told my kids at school about the baby! (More to come on that.) Over the past three weeks the baby has doubled in size. Little bit now weighs 1/2 of an ounce and is measuring 2 and a half inches long (from head to little bottom) and is the size of a large plum (hints the name of the post).
Although the baby has most of the  major systems in place and working, it doesn't mean there isn't a lot of development going on. In fact, little bit's digestive system has started to practice contracting. This will come in handy when the baby is able to eat. Also, the bone marrow has started to make white blood cells. This is a good thing...I don't want my baby getting any kind of  "funk" from the other kids at play groups :) Last but not least, the pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing hormones. Why is this important you ask? Well because one day,  A LOOONNNGGGG WAY DOWN THE ROAD, I want to be a grandma and this hormone will help! Mind you I say WAY down the road! 

Here are a few more updates on baby and me :)
How far along: 12 weeks
Maternity clothes: Still not yet, although I have about, ummm, one pair of pants that I can wear to work right now. Coming in a couple of week will be some pants that don't give me a muffin top every time I get down in the floor with one of my students to read. (Have a good visual yet?)
Gender: We still think boy, but the consensus at work is about even. 
Movement: still can't feel it, but I know there is a dance party going on in there
Sleep: getting better, but still fall asleep at the drop of a hat
Cravings: oranges...specifically clementines
Symptoms: feeling a lot better this week...but I still can't think about chicken when I'm eating it. I normally love chicken. Chicken sandwich, chicken salad, grilled chicken, barbecue chicken (Kinda like Bubba Gump and his shrimp if you catch my drift) but lately it sounds gross! I hope my love for chicken surfaces again soon. 

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