Monday, June 3, 2013

Vacation 2013

The older I get, the more I value vacation time with my family. This year was extra special though because it's the first time that Addison went to the beach.  We ventured to Panama City for my little sister's graduation vacation and we all had a blast! I love that she got to spend an entire week with my mom, dad and sisters. She sure loves them so much! I think it is safe to say that everyone made some memories that will last a lifetime. I love that Madison would play in the floor with her, that Brittany would walk around singing, "We're going on a bear hunt, going on a bear hunt, to see what we can see, to see what we can see, We're goin' on a bear hunt, just Addy and Aunt B!" The "bear hunt" consisted of playing peek-a-boo with us and turning off the lights (Addison's new favorite thing) I love that Addison cuddled with her Mimi and played with her Papaw! 

Addison LOVED the water! Like to to point that I think I might try to see what age she can start swim lessons! At first she was a little scared of the ocean...which is to be expected, but the pool is a whole other story! She splashed and kicked and played all day long! I am so happy for her that she liked it and enjoyed herself! Mike and I had a ball too; even got to enjoy date night one night. We saw the Hangover 3. Hilarious by the way! And we also got to spend lots of quality time together. A relaxing vacation is just what the doctor ordered...literally!
First day at the beach...her daddy gave her a sucker to celebrate :)

Addy's first time seeing the ocean

First time with toes in the sand. She didn't know what to think at first, but by the end of the week she loved the sand!

Addison's first day at the beach

First time putting her little tooties in the water. Not such a fan at first, but like with the sand, she loved it by the end of the week!

The graduate and her boo

Mom and Aunt B

Addison's first dip in the pool. You can see the joy in her face in these pictures. LOVE it!

My little swimmer

Celebrating our first night of vacation...headed out for dinner. 

Check out this little stinker would ya?! She is TOO funny!

Addison's first time getting in the ocean. Believe it or not, this is the first day the water had any waves. The first couple days at the beach it was so still.

I love this picture!

My happy girl and my handsome hubby. Blessed for sure!

Playing in the sand 

Playing in the waves

I was attempting some pictures on the beach, but she wasn't having it. Luckily I got a few...

Walking with Mimi and Papaw on the beach

I love this one!

Family picture night...

Like the random man with a beer belly in this one?! HA!

Kisses from my girl

Dinner at the Shrimp Boat. Mike may or may not have eaten 54 pieces of sushi at this place.

Watching the seagulls. She loved them. Every time they'd go by she'd point and say, "That."

Mike was feeding the seagulls for Addy and she was having a ball. Check out all these birds.

Last night at the beach calls for more family pictures!

1 comment:

  1. How did you get the footprints like that?? We tried to do this last year on Braxton's first trip to the beach but couldn't get it to come out right!! Love all the pictures. Looks like you all had a great time and definitely deserved it!


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