Tuesday, January 31, 2012

15 week update

This week you will have to excuse the picture. My mamma is dying for an update, but the hubby is out showing houses right now, so I took the picture myself :) It's not high quality, but you can see the growing bump for sure.
Told ya the picture was not the best, but it still works I guess. Here we are at 15 weeks.

 Listen up everyone- this week the baby is getting little bones inside of his/her ears. This mean that the baby can now hear what we say, as well as the music that I sing. Studies have shown that babies recognize the same music that they hear while they are in the womb. SO LISTEN UP FELLA AT SPEEDWAY! MY BABY CAN NOW HEAR YOUR INAPPROPRIATE MUSIC, SO TURN IT DOWN! THANK YOU, MAMMA FOGLE :)

It's kinda cool...I feel like I have my own little sidekick now because I am showing more.

If the baby were to be measured this week from crown to rump, he or she would be around 5 inches long and be around 3 ounces in weight.
The app on my phone compared the baby to the size of an avocado this week, which is a far cry from the days when we were an orange seed!

Our little one is one good looking baby at this point (not that I didn't already know that). He or she has now developed eyebrows,eyelashes, and ears that are now in the correct place on the head. Although we have developed all of these features, little bit is still pretty skinny because fat has not accumulated just yet.
If you were to peek inside my belly you would see that the baby's skin is pretty translucent right now and the blood vessels and veins would be very apparent. This will get better the more fat that the baby develops.

Here's the weekly update on me: 

Maternity clothes: Still the same, but here's a funny story for you. I am down to one pair of pants that I can wear to work. I am almost too big for them, but maternity pants are still way too big. So I have been washing and wearing the same pants everyday because it's all I have right now. So last night I ironed them and put them on the bathroom sink for the next morning. I'm not sure what happened, but when I grabbed them this morning they were SOAKING WET. I was in tears. I didn't know what to do and I was already running late. I tried the adjust a button thing and they should be banned! When you hook them to your pants you then have a big gap in your pants where your skin shows because your pants aren't really made to wear like that. So I settled for some brown pants that I had to squeeze into and a loose top. I almost had to call my boss and tell her I would be there once my pants go out of the dryer. Great way to start the day!
Gender: 2 weeks! 2 weeks! 2 weeks!
Movement: I am not really sure what I have been feeling, but it's either muscle spasms or little flutters. I am not sure what it's really supposed to feel like, but I could be feeling the kicks :)
Sleep: still pretty good. I might break down and get a body pillow or something in the next few days because I just can't seem to get comfortable. I am usually a stomach sleeper and now I can't get on my stomach. It's hard to change the way you naturally sleep.
Cravings: nothing new. 
Symptoms: feeling pretty good this week...still the same things as before, but the past two days at school I have been really tired!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Mackin' at Speedway

Yesterday I get a text from Mike that gas is going up and I should stop by Speedway on the way home and fill my car up with gas. Little did I know what I was in for when I stopped. Upon pulling in to the station, there were lots of cars in line. I waited for about 5 minutes, pulled up to the pump, get out of my car in the pouring rain and start to pump my gas. Out of nowhere here comes this teenage kid with ghetto music blaring profanity so loud I could hear it as he pulled up. Instead of being like any normal person and turning his car up to get gas, he continues to leave it running. Lucky me, I get to be put in danger of the whole station getting blown up as well as continue to hear music about how some *** at a club did this and that while I'm filling up.

He must have paid cash because he immediately walks past my car (baggy jeans, over sized shirt, cig, flat bill cap, chain and all) and says, "Hey baby!"

Ok, "friend"...
1. I'm married
2. Can you NOT see I'm pregnant?!
3. Your pants are so baggy it looks like you have done a little somethin' somethin' in them (if you catch my drift)

I had one of "those moment." I was thinking MY child will NEVER be like that. I can't believe this kid just talked to me like that. Does he not have any respect or manners?! Blah, Blah, Blah. I was such an old woman, but seriously?! The older I get, these teenage kids and the music they listen to, the baggy pants and the gansta' walk just go all through me! 

Luckily I didn't fall for his sweet charm and romantic ways! I am still a happily married woman. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

We need to travel more!

Mike and I really enjoy taking trips together...I mean what couple doesn't?! Last year we did not take a vacation because Mike was really busy at work and I am taking classes for my Master's degree. Paying for classes can get a bit expensive. This year we have vowed we will take a babymoon before little bit gets here at the end of the summer. Mike has actually said he would like to take two or three trips. Not that I would mind that at all!

My friend, Beth, from work sent me an email with the title "visually fantastic" a couple of days ago. I immediately fowarded it to Mike because he enjoys photography just about as much as I do. The pictures are so fantastic that I thought I would share a few with you:
 Hot air balloons in Cappadocia, Turkey
 Believe it or not, this is in the United States. Taken in Oregon.
 The emerald crater in New Zealand. 
 Trees in a forest in Poland (isn't a fantastic visual of how they grow?!)
 The Lena Pillars in Russia
 Sunset within a wave. I love this picture because it reminds me of our honeymoon to Hawaii a few years ago. I would love to go back there on a big anniversary we celebrate! hint, hint ;)
 These can be found in China. They are caused by millions of years of sandstone accumulation and other rocks. Beautiful!
In northwestern Montana. The water is so transparent that it seems that this is a quite shallow lake. In fact, it's very deep.

Are these pictures not amazing?! Mike's reply to the email was, "We need to travel more." Agreed dear hubby, agreed. :)

I know we will definitely not be taking a babymoon this extravagant, but it does make me look forward to a little get a way with the hubs before our baby gets here. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Confession Time

First thing first...I LOVE MY MOMMA. She's seriously the best mom in the world. It doesn't matter what I need, or what crazy thing I ask from her, she will happily do anything I ask. So since I said those sweet things about her, she can't be mad at me for this post. (love you, momma!)

Let me take you to about 16 years ago. I was 9, Brittany was 6 and Madi was still a little bun in the oven. After church one Sunday my mom and dad wanted to go to KFC for the buffet. When mom and dad were dating they went on a lot of dates where they ate the buffet at this one particular KFC, so we had been there before. So... here we go into the KFC... my mom, dad, sister and I for some good eatin' on Sunday afternoon. 

At this point my mom was about 7 months pregnant with Madison. Although I love her to pieces now, being in the third grade I felt like my life was over because my mom was pregnant. She always tells me how embarrassed I was whenever she was pregnant. I would hardly even get in the car with her when she picked me up from school (bratty, I know!) We pay for the meals, go through the line, eat our plate of food and my mom goes back for seconds. Brit, dad and I are still in a good mood at this point. She eats the second plate and goes back for some more chicken legs. Somewhere between the third plate and who knows how many more, Brittany and I STRETCHED OUT IN THE BOOTH AND TOOK A NAP. When we woke up, I kid you not, my mother was STILL EATING! At this point I remember Brittany or I one begging her to stop eating so that we could go home. BAHAHA!

Since that day it has always been a family joke about the KFC and their buffet. There isn't a time I eat at one or pass one where I do not think of that day. When it happened I was miserable, but looking back it's so funny.

Ok, confession time. Tonight Mike went out to run an errand and called to see if I wanted him to bring home some KFC. The more we investigated, it was cheaper to go and eat at the buffet than to bring it home. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING...no I did not pull a Mindy! So here we go, the pregnant woman and her husband to the LaGrange KFC on senior citizen night for some fried chicken. I couldn't help but laugh. Now it's me in my mother's shoes... Pregnant and at the buffet. I immediately texted her and my sister, Brittany and they died! Now granted Mike did not have to take a nap in the booth while I finished off the rest of the chicken in the buffet warmer, I did laugh because I am now pregnant and eating at the buffet. My how times have changed!

My mother is going to kill me for telling this story!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Progress, but back to square one...

So I was talking to my friend Hannah the other day about how I am struggling with finding the perfect baby boy bedding. She suggested that I check out some of the vendors on Etsy and see what kind of fabrics I could find. She had found a lot of cute bedding there before she found what she likes for McKinley's nursery. So last night I browsed around a little bit and OH.MY.GOSH. is there some cute stuff on there. The good news is that I found the original girl bedding that I liked for about $100 less. The bad news, I have fallen in love with a second baby girl bedding. BACK TO SQUARE ONE...so I thought I would show you both baby girl beddings that I have found. Please help me! Let me know which on is your favorite...
 I love these fabrics together. I also love the ruffled crib skirt. OH THE CHOICES!
Here is the original bedding I liked, only through Etsy. 


The good news is that I did find some fabric combinations that I might like for a baby boy. I am not sure about it yet, so I would love to have your opinion on this one too. Here are the fabric combinations to choose from... 
They can be combined any way that I choose to make the bedding. I like the light blue and gray together. Here are some pictures of how it can be put together...

I think it's pretty cute!

So even though I made some progress with the boy bedding, I am totally unsure of what to choose for a girl now. Please leave some comments and let me know what you think!

Monday, January 23, 2012

When life hands you lemons...

Today we are 14 weeks. Today I wore a shirt to work that I had previous taken an update picture in (I think 8 week picture) and you're going to die when you see the difference. Up to this point all babies grow at about the same rate, but his week the baby will start to grow differently than other babies. The head of the baby is starting to straighten out more and might be some hair on top of that little head. Another thing growing is the eyebrows. I think that's about it for the development update. Here is a picture of me when I got home from work today...

Well HHHHEEEEELLOOOOO baby bump! Today the first person made a comment about the belly. I guess I took a little growth spurt from last week. It's crazy for me to see this in a picture. Obviously I can see the view from above, but it looks so different from the side!
The baby is the size of a lemon...about 4 inches long. 

Here's the update on baby and me: 
Maternity clothes: same as last week. I did wear the top I told you about from last week to work on Friday and it was so comfy!
Gender: 3 week countdown! Although one of my students told me today that he didn't know if it was a boy or girl, although he had an opinion on what we should get (as if we are going to buy the baby from a store). He told me that we should have a boy because although girls are cute when they are little, they turn into divas around 2. HA!!
Movement: not yet
Sleep: still pretty good. I can still sleep on my stomach, although not by choice. I freak out when I wake up and I am on my stomach. I am so scared it will hurt the baby although my doctor has said it is alright. 
Cravings: nothing new. I am very thankful that I can eat without wanting to throw up now! I made dinner last night and ate a little of everything I fixed. That hasn't happened for a while!
Symptoms: feeling pretty good this week...the joys of the second trimester!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Peachy Keene

Here we are...13 weeks...second trimester...less than 1 month until we find out the gender of baby Fogle!! At 13 weeks the baby is the size of a peach, which is about 3 inches long. Also, the baby's intestines are moving into the stomach. Up until this point they have been forming inside of the umbilical cord, crazy huh? AND.....little bit is working on the development of his/her vocal cords. :) Here we are at 13 weeks...

Isn't that just peachy?!

I will leave you with an update on baby and me: 
Maternity clothes: I did buy one shirt at Target, but it is one that could easily pass for a regular shirt. I liked it because it was really long and I can wear it with leggings. So yea I bought one, but it's a cute one!
Gender: We will see in about a month!
Movement: not yet
Sleep: I sleep pretty well until about 4:30 when I start waking up because I have to pee. I lay there forever because I am so comfortable and I don't want to get up. Other than that, sleeping great!
Cravings: can't get enough fruit right now. I am trying to stay healthy about it...I don't want my baby made of McDonald's, although it does sound pretty good.
Symptoms: feeling pretty good...oh wait I just threw up! I think we have a little prankster on our hands. I will be completely fine, talking to someone and then next thing I know I am puking. I don't even feel it coming and as soon as I am done, I'm good to go! It's the weirdest thing really. Also I'm experiencing a little bit of the round ligament pain this week. Sometimes when I get up quickly or cough I get a little uncomfortable. Overall, I can't complain, I feel pretty good!

Have a great week everyone :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nursery ideas

Pinterest is my new addiction. There I said it! I could spend all day just looking at random things that I would like to make, wear, cook, put in the house...you get my point. It literally has everything you could ever imagine. I have been getting lots of nursery ideas, but I am still looking for new inspiration. I know without a doubt what I would do if we have a girl, but a boy nursery is where is gets a bit difficult. I am very girly, so a decorating for a girl would be so easy for me. I love the frill, the bright colors, anything girly. I just don't think there is that much cute boy stuff out there. I did find a couple of pictures on pinterest that I thought I could go from, so I thought I would share. 

Here is what I have found so far for a boy nursery:
 LOVE the horse in this picture. I think one of these is a must no matter if we have baby boy Fogle or baby girl Fogle. I also really like the hot air balloon pictures above the crib. I would probably do the walls different, but I like the dark wood and the blues.
So that's pretty much it so far. I haven't really found any boy bedding that I HAVE to have, but hopefully if i keep looking, something will strike my fancy.

Now for a girl...I've got that covered. Here is the bedding that I have fallen in love with...

I. AM. IN. LOVE. How precious are the love birds and the damask fabric? I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the iron crib. I have been all over craig's list trying to find one of these babies.

Here are some other decorations that I have found (thanks to pinterest) that I would like to incorporate if it is a little girl:
 I need these initials!

So that's what I've got so far. If you know of any cute boy bedding or sites that I could browse, please let me know!

**13 weeks update coming as soon as I remember to take a picture of the bump before getting into my PJ's!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Abigail Jean/Marie Fogle

I had to share this because, well, it's just too darn funny to keep to myself. I LOVE my kids at school. They seriously crack me up! My mom always says that I should write a book of things that the kids in my classes have said to me over the years and I am starting to think that she is right.

So yesterday we are standing in the hallway and two of my girls, Abigail and Amelia, start asking me questions about the baby. "Did you come up with a name yet?" "Who do you think the baby is going to look like?" "What names are your favorite?" "Do you want twins?" I mean they were some curious little girls. After answering 100,000,000 questions, Abigail looks at me and says:

"I was telling my mom that you and Mr. Mike like the name Abigail and that you might name the baby after me."(Not sure where she got that part, but oh well, I think she's precious!)

She then says, "The more I think about it I can really see your baby being Abigail Fogle. I mean I can just see it now in big gold lights: ABIGAIL FOGLE."

I about died! I think I doubled over laughing. "I can see it now in big gold lights." HA!! The two of them then get back to the classroom for indoor recess and get out whiteboards that we often use during math lessons. They were writing down names that they thought we should name the baby. Here were some of their favorites:
Abigail Jean Fogle
Abigail Marie Fogle
Abigail Megan Fogle
Abigail Amelia Fogle
Amelia Megan Fogle
Amelia Sadie Fogle

and their favorite...


So I ask them," What are you going to do if it's a boy?" Their reply," Um, we like girls better. Their names are cooler and their clothes are better. We want it to be a girl only!" 

They made my day with this 30-45 minute rant about names and the baby! I do love these kids!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My little detectives

I am playing catch up with all of the posts tonight because we have had a lot of fun and exciting things happen that I want to make sure that I document everything. I said I was going to wait until after we had our first ultrasound to tell my students that I was having a baby. So after the ultrasound on Friday I was ready to tell them. Monday morning I told my students that I had something important to tell them, but I couldn't just come out and say it. Instead, I needed them to be detectives and put the clues together. I showed them a series of pictures, all of which they knew had something in common and we talked about why I would bother to show it to them.
Here was their first clue: 
Then I asked, "Why do you think I showed you this?" Some of the responses:
1. You got hurt last weekend and you had to go to the hospital
2.You fell and had to get stitches
3. Someone from your family is going to be a doctor
4. Mr. Mike is in the hospital
(Bless their hearts, they were obviously confused!)

Their second clue was this:

My question was, "Why would I show you a hospital and these colors together?"
Responses all had something to do with the doctors and nurses in the hospital wearing blue or pink scrubs.
(Wrong my friends, very wrong)

Their third clue: 
This is when about half of them went, "OOOHHHH!!!" So I asked them what they thought I was telling them now. Bless their little naive hearts.... They said,"Someone is having a baby!" Well, yes! But who?!

For those friends of mine who were still clueless I showed them one last clue: 

One of my little girls then said, "I think she's trying to tell us that SHE'S going to have a baby!" Thank you Jesus, we figured it out!! They were very excited that "Mr. Mike" and I are going to have a baby. Of course they had lots of questions like when is the baby due, is it a boy or a girl and what are we naming the baby. The biggest comment was that they were glad the baby would be here this summer because they didn't want to have a sub for the rest of the school year. :) At least I know I'm loved!

I thought it was a pretty fun way to spread the news with my other 25 children...From what I've been hearing from their parents, they are VERY EXCITED!! 

It's almost time for us to meet Olivia

This past weekend Mike's aunt Lena, my MIL Fonda and I hosted a shower for my sister-in-law. We are very excited to meet our niece, Olivia, at the end of February! Here are a few pictures we captured from the shower:
My sister-in-law and my niece

 Welcome baby girl! We love you so much!

 I love this cake! We found a version on pinterest and Fonda loved it. The lady who made it actually did better than the original picture we found. One side was chocolate and the other was butter cream icing with a raspberry filling. Loved it!

 Top of the cake

 Rachel wanted Olivia's name above her crib so I did my best to make letters to match her room. Hope they work out! I was happy with the end product.

 Fran, Mike's aunt, made this book for Olivia. She is a painter and photographer, so she wrote the book and painted the pictures to go along with it. Then she scanned everything in and made a book for Olivia to keep. All of the characters in the book are Olivia's cousins, aunts, uncles and of course, mommy and daddy. How sweet is that?!
 Opening gifts

 Mike's granny made this quilt for Olivia. It's beautiful!

The bunny by the bay Olivia's Auntie M and Uncle Mike bought for her. :)

Olivia, we can't wait to meet you! We love you so much already and can't wait for you to get here so we can spoil you to death!!

12 weeks: "Plum crazy"

Here we are at 12 weeks:

This week I've felt pretty good. I have started to show a little more. Good thing I told my kids at school about the baby! (More to come on that.) Over the past three weeks the baby has doubled in size. Little bit now weighs 1/2 of an ounce and is measuring 2 and a half inches long (from head to little bottom) and is the size of a large plum (hints the name of the post).
Although the baby has most of the  major systems in place and working, it doesn't mean there isn't a lot of development going on. In fact, little bit's digestive system has started to practice contracting. This will come in handy when the baby is able to eat. Also, the bone marrow has started to make white blood cells. This is a good thing...I don't want my baby getting any kind of  "funk" from the other kids at play groups :) Last but not least, the pituitary gland at the base of the brain has started producing hormones. Why is this important you ask? Well because one day,  A LOOONNNGGGG WAY DOWN THE ROAD, I want to be a grandma and this hormone will help! Mind you I say WAY down the road! 

Here are a few more updates on baby and me :)
How far along: 12 weeks
Maternity clothes: Still not yet, although I have about, ummm, one pair of pants that I can wear to work right now. Coming in a couple of week will be some pants that don't give me a muffin top every time I get down in the floor with one of my students to read. (Have a good visual yet?)
Gender: We still think boy, but the consensus at work is about even. 
Movement: still can't feel it, but I know there is a dance party going on in there
Sleep: getting better, but still fall asleep at the drop of a hat
Cravings: oranges...specifically clementines
Symptoms: feeling a lot better this week...but I still can't think about chicken when I'm eating it. I normally love chicken. Chicken sandwich, chicken salad, grilled chicken, barbecue chicken (Kinda like Bubba Gump and his shrimp if you catch my drift) but lately it sounds gross! I hope my love for chicken surfaces again soon. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Baby Fogle!

Yesterday Mike and I went for our 12 week check up and first ultrasound. I will tell you one thing, when they do that ultrasound and you see your baby for the first time, it leaves your absolutely speechless. I just kept looking at the screen and thinking, "Oh my gosh! This is MY baby!" We were so giddy! The ultrasound tech was great. She showed us all the parts and said that everything looks great. Mike and I just smiled and smile and smiled. We had a blast!

As soon as they put the instrument on my stomach you could see the baby moving all around in there. In fact the first thing the baby did was jump straight up and do a flip. We have a hyper little one on our hands. We caught the baby flipping, moving from side to side and even putting his/her fingers into it's mouth. The ultrasound tech did capture a picture of the fingers in the mouth  and....we have 5 fingers! You can see all 5 in two of the pictures that we have and I'm pretty sure they are opposite hands that we captured. They baby's feet kept turning every time I would go to count or look, but I am sure everything is there that needs to be! It's so weird to see the baby moving because I can't feel a thing!

This picture is from the top of the head looking into the baby's brain. See those 5 precious little fingers?!

The baby's heart rate is 158, so if we go by the old wives tale, we will have a little girl, but I told Mike as soon as we left though that I thought I saw boy parts. When the ultrasound tech moved the instrument so she could be a shot of the baby from underneath, I saw two little legs and something in the middle. It could have very well been the cord though. I honestly don't care either way, I'm just dying to know!

The baby was measuring big for the due date they had calculated for us. The tech measured the baby from crown to rump and the computer told her that based on the size of the baby that our due date should be July 18, 2012, but Dr. Grider kept our date at the 23rd. I would say that since Mike is 6 foot 5 we are going to have a long baby, so I bet that is why he/she is measuring big. Hey Mike, I didn't kill your gene pool after all! :)

This one is a little blurry in the picture I took, but if you look closely you can see the baby has his/her hand in the mouth. I may be partial, but is that not the most precious baby you have ever seen?! We're in love!

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