Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's not so bad after all!

Yep, I'm talking about this stuff. Yesterday I had a checkup for Addison and it was the day I had kinda been dreading. I had to drink the "horrible" drink that everyone talks about in order to check my glucose levels. I sat down, was given this little bottle to drink within 5 minutes, then I had to wait an hour to get my blood work done. I had heard now horrible this was going to be, but if you are pregnant and dreading this, let me give you some reassurance. This drink was not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be. In fact, I kinda liked it. I really tastes like fruit punch just with a little added sugar. Now you know if I'm saying this, it really isn't bad. You all know how Addison does with sweets, so I was really worried about drinking it and then throwing up, but all was well. The only thing was that I couldn't eat or drink anything for the hour that I waited, but your blood sugar levels spike and then drop in order to see how your body will react. I got a little light headed when I was talking to Dr. Grider and she wanted me to make sure I got something to eat with a little protein in it whenever I left the office. Other than that, it was easy-peasy! 

Addison's checkup went great! We are not going to have anymore ultrasounds because my doctor said that everything is going great with Addison. I wouldn't mind seeing my little girl again, but I'm glad that the reason why I won't see her is because she is developing beautifully! That a girl, Addy! Yesterday was a first though...I was measured with a tape measure to see how much my stomach has grown. It was kind of weird and I was a little worried of what my doctor would say after she was finished measuring, but everything is developing exactly like it should. Addison's heart rate was 138-143 while we were listening to it and it was so crazy because we could hear her heartbeat and then we could hear her kick on the doppler. She's getting really strong!

I do have to go back in two weeks to get a shot called Rogam. This shot is given to people who have a special blood type that actually fights against their spouse's blood type. I have to have this shot because it will affect us if we want to have another child and have not had this shot. It is only good for 12 weeks, so I can't have it until I am at least 28 weeks unless I want to go back and have it again before I deliver. Like I said, this will not affect Addison, only our chances of conceiving again if we don't have this shot done. My mom had to have it when I was born and when Brittany was born, so I was pretty sure that I would have to have the same thing when I got farther along.

Other than that, no new news. Addison and I are doing well and growing, growing, growing! 

1 comment:

  1. I am really interested in hearing about your Rogam shot. I am A- blood type and have been told that I will have to have the shot when I get pregnant. I don't know why, but that is the biggest thing that I've been worried about so far! hah! Glad to hear that your glucose test went well!!


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