Mike and I are now 28 weeks into the pregnancy. We have officially started the last trimester and Addison will be here before we know it! I can't believe that we are already on the "final leg" of this journey. I feel like it's gone so quickly, but I have also heard that the last trimester is the one that seems to creep by. Either way, I still can't believe there are only 12 weeks left until we meet our daughter.
Addison is now the size of a chinese cabbage. I had no idea how big that was, so I googled it and here is what I found:
Compared to a quarter she is pretty big! She should be weighing about 2 1/2, almost 3 pounds by now and is measuring 15 inches long. She can now open and close her eyes, which are sporting eyelashes by now and her eyes have some pigment in them. They might not be the color that she will have for the rest of her life, but they are at least starting to develop some kind of color. She is also continuing to accumulate fat.
I have been looking at some of the babies that were born early at around 27 weeks. Weird I know, but I wanted to see what she actually looks like at this point instead of seeing an animated version of a baby at this stage in development. It's amazing to me that Addison looks like an actual newborn baby at this point and would have a 95% chance of survival should she enter this world early. I do not anticipate that happening (THANK GOODNESS!) but it's nice to know that she would live at this point.
I am feeling good this week. I can tell that I've been doing a lot of walking around the school lately because at the end of the day MY. FEET. HURT! We gave our students a practice KPREP testing environment on Friday and I was proctoring for about 2 1/2-3 hours. My little toes were screaming by the end of it! I will definitely have to break out the tennis shoes when actual testing rolls around. I've also been having a lot of heart burn. At first I would only get it when I ate tomato based foods or carbonated drinks, but now it seems like I get it all the time. Some days I feel like a fire-breathing dragon! I guess if you go by the old wives tale then Addison will have a head full of hair based on how much heart burn I've been getting. I am still feeling great, but I can tell my belly is growing. I get little pains every now and then when I turn from side to side while I am sleeping. No new symptoms other than those, just growing daily!
Thanks for your continued support and prayers. Mike, Addison and I appreciate every single one of them!
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