We have started the 26th week of our pregnancy and I do believe that I am not able to deny it...I'm pregnant! Addison is now practicing her breathing by taking in some of the amniotic fluids. She is also opening her eyes this week. Although they are open, we still wouldn't be able to tell what color they will be permanently. Just guessing, but I think her eyes will be green. Both Mike and I have green eyes, so I'm hoping she gets them as well. I think that Mike's eyes are beautiful, so I wouldn't mind if she took after her daddy in that area!
Since her eyes are open, if we hold a flashlight up to my stomach many of the books say that she will react. I don't think I will mess with my child that way, but it is pretty neat that she can start to see light outside of her little home right now. She will also most likely respond to loud noises this week. The books say that she will jump and kick if she hears a loud noise. I already feel like the karate kid is living in my belly, so I would assume she would kick pretty hard :) The reason for this? Her little brain is more developed and sophisticated and the nerve endings in her ears have developed completely by now.
Addison is also continuing to accumulate fat on that little body of hers. Although she is adding fat to her body at leaps and bounds, she only weighs two pounds at this point and is still measuring about the same length as last week. Up until now her skin has been very saggy because she's been so thin and bony, but now her job is to pack on the pounds and start to "fill out." She is now the size of a cucumber.
I am feeling great! We are now back from Spring Break and to quote one of my favorite movies..."It's what we, in the biz, like to call crunch time!" Please tell me you knew I was quoting The Breakup?! We start our new state testing in about 20 school days and I am feeling the pressure and stress of hoping it all comes together. I think everyone is a little nervous because the test itself and the standards are new this year, so we don't really know what to expect. This causes this prego lady, and I would say all my colleagues, to be VERY sleepy at the end of the day.
Although I'm tired, I do believe the nesting stage has begun. The other night it was crazy! I started picking up the house and the next thing I knew I was organizing my closet. This was a huge task! If you've seen our closet then you know what I'm talking about. Finally around 10:30 Mike was all but begging me to quit and get in the bed so he could get to sleep. HA!
The only new symptom that I have this week is some rather annoying leg cramps. It only happens at night when I go to roll over and it's only on my left leg. My calf muscle to be exact. I can wiggle my leg around just a little bit and it will go away, but it is painful enough to wake me up each time I roll over. My back is feeling pretty good, but I can definitely tell that I took a week off from standing last week during the break. Other than that, which is not bad at all if you ask me, I feel absolutely fantastic!
I do believe that's it for the updates this week... I think everything else is still the same. No new cravings or anything, but stay tuned for another update...I have a doctor's appointment this Friday and I get to drink the glucose drink...YUMMY! Details to come!
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