Sunday, April 22, 2012

27 weeks

It's update time! We are starting the 27th week of our pregnancy which means that we have roughly 90 days until Addison makes her debut into this world. Wow, I'm excited!! She is now being compared to the size of a head of cauliflower which is pictured below:

She's getting big ya'll and this mamma can definitely tell it! I feel like I have lost all control of my stomach muscles. In fact yesterday Mike and I drove to WKU for his Sig Ep reunion dinner and Mike turned a sharp corner at one point in the drive. Normally I would have been able to "take the turn" but yesterday I was thrown into the window because I tried to use my stomach muscles to adjust but they just didn't work. We both looked at each other wide eyed because it was dramatic, but I seriously couldn't help it. Lord help me!

Addison is measuring well over a foot now (somewhere between 14 and 15 inches in length from head to toe) and weighs about 2 pounds. She is now sleeping and waking up at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes and possibly sucking her thumb. With all of her brain tissue that is continuing to develop, her little brain is hard at work and is functioning very well at this point. Her lungs are still not fully developed, but if she was born today (not that I want this!) she would be able to survive with medical help. Disclosure: that makes me nervous. Stay in there little girl! You need to develop and grow!!

Because Addy is taking in all kinds of food that I am eating and because she has a ton of taste buds she might start to develop a case of the hiccups on a regular basis. I have not felt her do this yet, but I hear it is pretty common at this stage of development. The books say that it only last a few moments, but that it can feel kind of awkward while it's happening. 

I can definitely tell that Addison is growing leaps and bounds. I can not only watch my stomach pulsate now, but I can watch her roll and turn. If you put your hand on my stomach you can see your hand move when she kicks because she's so strong. She has also found a position that she likes. I think it's her feet that are on the right side up by my ribs. I am still not entirely sure which body part is where, but there's a lot of movement in that area so I'm assuming it's little feet. That would make her laying diagonally across my stomach with her head by my left hip. The doctor said that I shouldn't worry about her being head down just yet. There's plenty of time to flip before she makes her grand entrance.   

Here's baby and I at 27 weeks

I am actually feeling great. Other than the symptoms that I've been telling you about in the past few weeks, I have nothing to complain about! There are little aches and pains that come up every now and then but nothing that makes me really uncomfortable. I was really worried last night when we drove to Western because everyone tells me that I have to be careful about riding in a car for too long because my ankles will get swollen. I watched them very carefully yesterday and not to fear, no kankles for this girl! 

Cravings for this preggo? Not too much except for when your husband promises ice cream! We talked to Eric and Trent last night before going to dinner with Mike's fraternity brothers. Eric and Trent were in Mike's small group during middle school and high school and now they are freshmen and Western. We decided after dinner we'd go get ice cream with them and see their fraternity house (they're both Fiji's). It was getting kinda late so we saw their frat house and then told them we'd have to take a rain check on the ice cream. WHAT?!  I'd been looking  forward to that ice cream since we sat down for dinner. I told Mike that I was playing the pregnancy card and we had to get ice cream. We found a Baskin Robins and this preggo was a happy girl!

That's about it! Have a great, relaxing Sunday everyone!

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