I love, love, love going to Keeneland and betting on the horses! When I was little I remember going with my dad (on specific time I remember out betting him!) and then in college I went ALL.THE.TIME! It became a joke between my friends and I in the teaching program. When Keeneland was in session, they knew I was going to save my excused absences so that I could be at the track. Hannah and I were known for getting up out of class and leaving for Keeneland a couple of times. Man, I shouldn't tell you all that, but I want you to know that I really, really love to go! There is just something about the place. Don't get me wrong, I also like going to Churchill Downs, but Keeneland is just different. I love the location, the beauty and the atmosphere. If you've never been look how beautiful this place is:

See I told you! It's something about this place...I just love it! Mike and I went to the races last week with my mom and dad. I had so much fun even though we didn't win one darn race! There was a couple of times that I had picked the horse that won the race, but didn't end up placing a bet on him. Either way it was a great day. Here are some of the pictures I captured:
This is Mike's favorite tree. We have a painting in our living room of the paddock from Keeneland that has this tree in it. This way we're always reminded of how much we love the place!
I was sure this horse was gonna didn't!
Beautiful day for the races!
View from the paddock. It was packed the day we went!
And here we are...a beautiful day at the races!
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