Since September when Rachel told me that she was expecting, I have been counting the days until I got to meet my precious niece. Olivia was due on February 27th, but she was so comfortable in there that Rachel was induced yesterday morning at 7:00am. First of all I must say that my SIL is AMAZING! When Mike and I got to the hospital at about 2pm yesterday and Rachel looked great! She was talking, sleeping a little, laughing...basically you would have never known she was in labor! I told her that she was making me feel so much better about it all (That's what big sisters are for, right?) Around 5 Mike and I went to get some dinner and when we came back we were informed that Rachel was at 9cm. We were all ecstatic! We were able to go back to the delivery room and say good luck while they were waiting for her to progress to 10cm, and when it was time for her to push, her husband, Chris, and my MIL, Fonda, stayed in the room with her. Mike, Louie (my FIL), Rachel's sister in law (Jill), her MIL (Margaret) and brother in laws (Craig and Aaron) and myself waited as patiently as possible in the waiting room outside of labor and delivery. I believe that she pushed for right at an hour and at 8:02 Olivia Christine entered the world. She weighed 8 pounds , 10.2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Here are some pictures we captured of the new addition to the family...I think that you will see the excitement and love on all of our faces in these pictures. We are all smitten!

Olivia Christine Greenwell...I could just squeeze her!
Right after giving birth. I told you, she looks great!
Mike and I love this picture. It's Olivia, Rachel and my mother in law, Fonda. Think they are in love?!
Little bitty toes. Mike had to mess with Rachel's in laws (the UofL fans) After they took her footprints the bottoms of her feet were blue. Mike said that she was born a UK fan :)
One proud Nana
Olivia's MaMa (Chris' mom)
The proud new parents
Auntie M and Uncle Mike admiring our baby niece.
Olivia Christine,we love you so much and we can't wait to start making many memories with you. We can't wait for Addy to get here so you have a play buddy! We are going to have so much fun!!
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