Saturday, March 31, 2012

It is game day, baby!

Unless you have been hiding under a rock you know that today is possibly the biggest day in the bluegrass. It's the day everyone has been waiting for...UK is going to dominate Louisville this evening at 6:00! I am so excited  I can't hardly stand it. I especially love all of the pictures that I have seen floating around on Facebook dogging either team, depending on who you are rooting for. I thought I'd get in the spirit and share some of my favorites that I've seen floating around:

 This one is my favorite! I love, love, love it! It is posted on the side of a house on campus. The bed sheet banners  hanging all over the place make me miss my days on campus!
This standard poodle was spotted downtown Lexington yesterday. He's decked out and ready for the game!

One more quick picture and story...yesterday the kids at school were allowed to wear their favorite UK or UL t-shirt (they are usually in dress code). They attended an incentive for good effort and completed homework during the month of March and when the teachers went to the gym to pick them up, this is how we found them:
 I know it's kinda hard to see. This was actually from my boss' phone, but she had them sitting separated into red and blue. There was WAY more blue in that gym and even than you can see in this picture; they know what's up! She would tell them she wanted to see who could scream the loudest, the UK or UL fans. So she would do a countdown and the kids would scream as loud as they could. This scared Addison to death! Every time they would scream she would jump like she was startled. It was so funny because some of my friends were trying to feel her do it, but I was laughing so hard each time she jumped that they couldn't feel her. Poor little girl, she had no idea what was going on!


She was injured, injured bad

Have you ever seen the commerical that inspired the title of this post? Well if you haven't I am going to share it before I  tell my story because it's one of my favorites...get ready for a good laugh:

I told you! I have watched that about 1,000 times now and I laugh each time. Ok...point to my post...I think my toe is going to fall off. The other night I was getting ready for school and was in the laundry room ironing my pants. When I finished I turned out the light and went to walk through our kitchen when BAM I hit my foot so hard on a pair of shoes that Mike had taken off by the kitchen table. I got my second toe and third toe pretty good, well really my third toe. I kid you not I walked up the steps to tell Mike about it and went to take a step and I could not walk. I sat in the middle of the floor while Mike went to get some Tylenol. So I woke up the next morning to go to school and I couldn't walk without a limp. Someone at work made the comment that I was already starting to waddle. I just laughed and said, "NO, no waddling, just a toe that might fall off!" Here is the proof that I might end up with 4 toes on my left foot... (don't judge, I know they are not attractive toes!! and I also know I need to paint them!!)

Bless my little heart!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

week number 23

Here we are in the middle of week number 23. Doesn't sounds too far along until you think about it this week we will be 6 months pregnant. Holy cow! Where has time gone?! Like Mike was saying last night, someone asked him when our anniversary was and he told them July. They responded with, "Wow, you have another one coming up soon in just a couple of short months." It was then that he said he thought,"Yea, we will have an anniversary in a few months...whoa...that means Addison will be here!" He told me that it hit him that we don't have too much longer to go. Not really if you stop and think about it! Things are coming together great! In fact, right now I am blogging from Addison's room in her new glider that we picked up last night :) It's too cute, but I'm gonna save pictures for when I do an entire post of the finished nursery. Let's just say we like it so much that we hung out in her room last night for about an hour. It's just too cozy already!

Anyway, here is an updated picture of Addison and I at 23 weeks. I hate this picture, but I will share it anyway...
She seriously took a growth spurt over night. I told my mom  a couple of weeks ago while we were out shopping that my belly was cramping just a little bit. I kid you not, I woke up the next morning and there was a bump. I guess it was just her growing and expanding in there. Now when I feel her kick it's above my belly button at times and I've even been able to feel her on both sides of my stomach at once when she has her arms and legs going.

From the update that I get from my app, she now has eyebrows that are visible and has mastered the skill of sucking. She also has bones in her inner ear that are starting to harden, so she also has a sense of balance. Right now her balance includes knowing whether she is upside down or not. That's good for her because she's so active I am sure she gets turned upside down a lot! The other night she moved ALL.THROUGH.THE.NIGHT. I could not find a position where she would settle down, which resulted in a restless night for this momma. Her pancreas is also developing at a steady rate now. She is producing insulin that will help her break down sugars from the food she is getting from me.

As for me, I am doing great. Cravings are still the same, fruit, fruit, fruit. Other than that, I can't say that anything in particular has sounded good to eat. I am starting to think this whole pickles and ice cream thing is a myth! I really don't feel too different in my eating habits except that I have to have more snacks than I used to. I am still trying my hardest to be healthy about it. Today I had a banana for one snack and a granola bar for the other. Not too bad...

Sleep has been going pretty good except for the other night, which I was telling you about earlier. Addison is just growing so much and she is such an active little girl that when she decides to stay up late, that means her mommy stays up as well.  Wait a this God preparing me for what is to come? I think so!

Maternity clothes...I haven't blogged about them for a while because, well, I HATE them! I had a break down not too long ago because I went to 9 different stores in one day and had no luck at all. Poor Mike! I tried on maternity pants as well as regular pants in the next size up, but nothing, I mean nothing, worked.  Luckily, I had a tip to check out Marshall's because they had some cute dresses and I had some luck there. I've gotten a couple of maternity tunics and dresses, but the ones from Marshall's are just one size up from what I normally wear. Remember the old khaki pants? Well now I am kinda taking pride in them because they still fit. When I say fit, I mean I can tie a rubber band around the button and rig it to work. I think now it's become a game with myself to see how long I can pull those bad boys off! Don't worry though, I'm not wearing them religiously like I used to have to do!

OH! I almost forgot. Mike and I are going to register this Friday and we could really use your help. We need to know which products you recommend, which ones you didn't like and brands that you think are the best. Leave us your comment below and help us first time parents out! We don't know what we're doing when it comes to registering!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How we're spending our day

Mike and I have definitely experienced what it is going to be like to have a newborn here in a few short months. On Friday night we went home so that we could celebrate Brittany's birthday with my family. While we were cooking out and in all the commotion Pumpkin ate something that she shouldn't have. We're not really sure what it was but while we were watching the UK game she started coughing uncontrollably like she was chocking on something. She did this all through the night to the point that either Mike or myself was up with her about every hour. We were scared to death and didn't really know what was the matter. In fact, we were up and sitting in the parking lot of the vet's office on Saturday morning before they opened so we could see what was going on. The vet concluded that she got something in her windpipe which is no longer there, but has irritated her throat to the point of coughing like she is. They put her on some antibiotics and a steroid for the next few days and we are supposed to take her back in a week for a checkup.

We then came home after a long, long night awake and Mike had to get ready to show houses all day. We were able to take a quick nap, but nothing enough to make us feel rested. Mike also had to get up again this morning so that he could show two different clients houses. He scheduled a break in between showings so we could go to church and eat lunch together. I am tired and he is EXHAUSTED! Little Pumpkin is feeling better, but she is still not back to her normal self, so here is how we are spending our Sunday:
Laying on the couch, cheering on our CATS and resting. Our boys are playing Baylor this afternoon for a spot in the final four and I am gonna go ahead and call it...we win! I can't wait to see us dominate Louisville in the final 4 :) Other than that, we are doing a whole lot of nothing!

I will leave you with some pictures of what I found when I came home from church this morning:

TULIPS! They are so pretty! Right now we have the salmon color and purple ones that are up, but there are some yellow, light pink and white ones that are about to bloom any moment. That's about it for now...Hope everyone had a great weekend and GO CATS!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I love my dog!

A couple of nights ago Mike and I took Pumpkin on a walk around the neighborhood. When we got back I was resting on the couch and as usual Pumpkin came to cuddle with me. I was sitting with my legs straight out so she was laying with her head on my belly like this:
It was so cute because Addison started kicking and I guess Pumpkin could feel it. Every time Addy would kick, Pumpkin would lift her head and look at me like, "Did you feel that?!" then she would lay her head back down and wait to feel another kick. This went on for about five minutes...Addison kicking and Pumpkin looking at me. Just thought I'd share because I thought it was so cute. Just reason number 122,223,332,567 that I love my dog!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Space Between

I know your mind went to the same place that mine did when you saw this post title. DAVE MATTHEWS, right?! This was what I thought would be a perfect title although it actually has nothing to do with DMB. I wanted to write this post right when Mike and I got home from church on Sunday, but I have been "marinating" on the sermon and letting it sink in for the past couple of days and now that I have my mind around it, I HAVE to share it with's really that good! Like I told Mike after the service, "Nothing like gaining a little perspective!"

Ok, let me give you a little background. Our church is doing a series called "The Story" which starts way back at the beginning of Genesis with Adam and Eve and will take us all the way through the crucifixion of Christ (well I am sure we will go farther than that, but that's what I know for sure). We are currently discussing the story of Moses freeing his people from Egypt, Moses receiving the 10 commandments, and currently "the wandering" phase of their journey.

You see, when Moses led his people out of Egypt, they were headed for the promised land in Cannan. At church on Sunday, they described a road that they would have taken called The Way of the Sea, which was a popular road that was traveled then. This is the way you thought God would have led them being that it was the shortest distance between the starting point and stopping point in their journey. When Kyle looked it up on his map on his iPhone, the distance between the two places was about 175. Imagine a trip from Louisville to Nashville...on foot. Yea, a long way, but do-able. When you type this distance into your iPhone, the hiking icon says that this distance would take you about 2 days and 10 hours to walk. That's pretty aggressive if you ask me...I am assuming the phone thinks that they are going to be jogging the entire time and not stopping to eat or anything else. Anyway, we decided at church that this would take them about a week and a half, maybe even a month since there were anywhere from 2-3 million Israelites traveling as a group. Well guess what, God had other plans. Instead of taking them the shortest route to the Promised Land, he took them the another route. God led them out of Egypt, to Mount Siani where they spent about a year. At this point, God was ready for them to head out again. He lead them by a cloud during the day and fire at night. Again, this journey should have taken them about a week/week and a half. Well guess took them 39 years!!!!!!!  Yes, 39 years! You're thinking WHOA! Yea, me too.

Here's a map I found of their journey. The way of the sea is obviously along the coast from Egypt to Cannan and the dotted line is the route of the Israelites.
This phase of their journey was called the wandering phase; the space between where they started and where they want to be. Sound familiar to anyone? The space between college and getting a job. The space between getting your permit and having your license. The space between dating and marriage. The space between getting married and starting a family. The space between starting your master's degree and finishing it. The space between being in debt and being debt free.The space between hearing a bad medical diagnosis and being in remission. The space between a devastating loss and being reunited with a loved one in heaven. The space between losing everything you had in a tornado and  rebuilding your life. I could go on and on. Well guess what? Sometimes God does his best work in us during this wandering phase...the space between where we are and where we want to be. 

The question that was posed to us during the sermon was, "How do you live in the space between? How do you respond to God in this time if your life?" Because the Israelites in that 39 years of wandering did nothing but a whole lot of whining instead of enjoying the journey they were being led on. It was the,"Are we there yet?" questions that little kids have. The "But I want it..." type of whining. Basically they didn't handle it well and as Kyle said it, lack of faith is often demonstrated through whining. They just wanted to get it over with. They were in a hurry like most of us are...especially if you are me. I feel like I live with a checklist of items that need to be done. I love the feeling of getting things checked off my to-do list, but I don't want to miss the journey to the destination. I need to slow down and enjoy each season of life, trust that God is completely in control. The Israelites focused how fast can we get there and get this journey over with, but I wonder what they missed because they were so focused on the end product? I don't want to miss something incredible that God has planned because I am so concerned with checking something off of my list. 

Here's the moral of the story, God isn't in a hurry. He is more concerned about who you are becoming than where you are going. He is constantly doing work in our lives and we aren't able to see that bigger picture because we aren't him! Like my friend Beth has said,"You can't see the forest because you are focused on the one tree." I couldn't have said it better myself. If we are so focused on arriving at our destination, we are most likely to miss something incredible in between. We need to slow down, enjoy the ride, be content with where we are in our life and realize that God sometimes does his best work in our lives when we are wondering through the wilderness. 

So there it is, a little perspective. This completely hit home for me. I was actually talking about something similar with my assistant principal the other day and she had the same experience this past weekend. She said the message she heard was to be number 67. Let me explain. There are 66 books in the bible, but we should constantly let God's light shine and strive to be number 67. Be content. Live in the moment. Let God's light shine in all that we do. And most of all...ENJOY THE RIDE!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

22 weeks

We are starting our 22nd week of pregnancy tomorrow. I am growing (literally) more excited by the day. Since we have her room painted and most of the furniture is in, it feels so real now! This week Addison looks like a miniature newborn. Everything is finally developed, it's just time for her to spend time growing until she is ready to enter the world. We were told Friday that she is one ounce shy of a pound and is 7 inches long. The apps on my phone are pretty accurate. They say that she is around a pound, which is pretty close if you ask me! Her lips, eyelids and eyebrows are more distinct this week and she is even starting to develop little tooth buds under those little gums of hers. Her eyes have formed now, but she lacks pigment in them for a few more weeks. She also has enough nerve endings in her fingers to start to experience the sensation of touch. Many of the videos I have watched say that she will start to play with the umbilical cord to develop her grip. Kinda weird, but whatever! Here is a picture of Addison and I today before heading to church:
There's not too much else to report on this week. I haven't had any new symptoms or cravings lately; we are just growing and developing as we should :) I guess no news is sometimes good news! By the way I am watching my dog and husband chase a moth around the living room right now. Mike is grabbing at it and Pumpkin is snipping and barking. Hopefully between the two of them they can catch it. Don't you have a good visual right now?!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

We all know who Addison is cheering for!

We were so proud of our girl yesterday.  We learned a little something about her...just take a look at the blood flow of her heart chambers:
That's right ladies and gentlemen, our little girl BLEEDS BLUE!!! There is the proof! She was just letting us know what she is rooting for the CATS all the way in the NCAA tournament. (Good girl, Addison! You make mommy and daddy proud!)

Ok, ok, so maybe the ultrasound technology was detecting blood flow in her heart to make sure everything was flowing the correct way in and out of her heart and the color just so happened to be blue, but Mike and I are going to go head and think that our little one is a CATS fan! 

Friday, March 16, 2012

21 weeks, a painted room and a doctor's visit

We have been VERY busy these past few days! My mom and dad had my baby room furniture painted earlier this week and then came down to the house to deliver the finished product last night. While they were here Addison's room went from yellow to baby pink :) Here is the fabric that we chose for her bedding along with the paint swatch of the color of her room before we painted:
I don't know why this picture is flipped. It's the correct way on the computer, but when I upload it, it flips. Oh well!

I love the color of the room! I think that it's precious! Just to give you a little sneak peak of the upcoming nursery, I took my weekly update picture in Addison's room to show you the color of the walls and the nursery furniture now that it's put together.
Look how cute her little pink room is! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! I think it's the cutest little color for a nursery. Not too bright, just very soft. It looks beautiful with the white trim, bookcase and furniture that's in the room. What do you think? I do realize that the mattress is low right now, we will have to move it up once her bedding arrives. 

My belly is definitely starting to grow now! People keep saying I don't look pregnant, but when I see these pictures I DEFINITELY look like there's a baby in there! Maybe they are just being really nice to me (lol).

Addison had her 20 week check up this afternoon (we are almost 22 weeks though). Her Mimi, Nanna and Papaw all got to tag along to the ultrasound. They loved seeing her move, well what movement she did today and see how much she has developed from the other pictures they have seen. Let me brag on my girl for a moment and show you some pictures that the ultrasound tech snapped this afternoon: 

 Addison's heart rate was 146 this afternoon. She has all of her organs, heart chambers, fingers and toes :) One happy mamma here!
 Can you see in this picture she is face down? Well let me just tell took a lot of work to get some good   
shots today. Usually I have some caffeine before an ultrasound so that she will be moving all around. Today I had a half a cup of coffee, but that was it. During the ultrasound she was sound asleep and face down. Doesn't make it very easy to get a good picture. The tech had me lay on my left side, my back, my right side, my get the point. Finally she did flip face up, but then she covered her face with her hands. We poked at her enough to get her to cooperate for a few minutes :)
 There's my sweet girl I think she is going to look like her mother. Mike and I both think she has my face shape and a friend of mine said she thinks she has my features when she saw the picture. 
 Can you see the chambers of her heart in the picture?
 There's her little foot...

In every ultrasound picture she has been sucking her thumb. Today we also saw her yawn and stretch. I think she was saying, "Come on mom! No coffee today?! I'm pooped and you all won't leave me alone so I can sleep!"

 Side profile again...
I think she has the sweetest little profile!

Dr. Grider said that everything looked fantastic. She had everything that they check for in this ultrasound and she is weighing in the 38% percentile. They said at the moment she is 15 oz., around 7 inches in length and absolutely perfect. Ok, ok they didn't say the perfect part, I added that in :) She does look pretty perfect if you ask me though!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


March Madness has officially begun and I am really excited. If you didn't notice UK is the OVERALL NUMBER ONE SEED IN THE NCAA TOURNAMENT. No big deal! Mike and I have our brackets ready to go...judge our selections for yourself:

 Mr. Fogle's bracket
My thoughts on the tournament...I usually win ;)

Every year Mike and I have a little friendly competition when it comes to the NCAA tournament. This year, the person who wins gets to choose which restaurant we will eat at on our date night after the tournament is over. Mike wants to choose some manly barbecue restaurant that is close to our house if he wins and who knows what cravings I'll have at that point. Let the competition begin....and GOOOOOOO CATS!!!!!!! 

Addy's bedroom

I should explain what you are seeing in these pictures. The crib, changing table, toy box and highchair that I used as a baby have now become Addison's furniture for her nursery. I think it's really neat that she is going to be sleeping in the same crib that I once did. The reason why the crib, changing table and others are in about 100 pieces right now is because my parents had it painted yesterday. When I was born this crib was a dark wood color. I really wanted her to have white furniture, so my mom and dad took it and had a little transformation done. One of Madison's friends, Chad, works at an auto body shop and was nice enough to spray it for us using the equipment they use to paint cars with. Mom told me that he started yesterday when he got out of school and didn't finish last night until after midnight. In fact it took over 10 coats of paint to get the dark wood covered, but it looks like new! We owe him big! From what I can see in the pictures it looks great!! Mom and dad are coming this weekend to paint Addison's room and set up her nursery furniture and I am so, so excited to start seeing her little room come together. I have already bought some decorations to put on her shelves and walls, but I am pumped to see her furniture in place. AHH!!! More to come on the progress of her room. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What I know about Addison

It's so funny that I can tell you so much about my little one's personality and I haven't even met her yet! I have become so intune with little things that she does and when she does them. I thought I would share a few things that I have learned about her in this short 21 weeks.
1. She does not like sweets! Everytime I eat cake, candy, ice cream, anything that is sugary my stomach really hurts afterwards. It started back in my first trimester when nothing really sounded good to eat, so I blamed it on the changing hormones. I stayed away from cake when my kiddos brought in cupcakes for their birthday and away from candy as well. When the second trimester hit I thought that I would be able to enjoy sweets again, but again, she has proved me wrong. Sweets are just not my girl's thing!

2. She loves worship service at church. Mike and I get so tickled at her on Sunday mornings because everytime the band starts to play worship music, my girl starts to get down! She jumps and kicks the whole time the music is playing. She did it for a couple of weeks before I told Mike about it, but now on  Sundays Mike will look at me like, "Is she moving?" And she definitely is! She loves Jesus already!! :)

3. She's a night owl (Lord help us!) I read in my pregnancy books that by this point the baby should have a definite sleeping pattern. Well, Addy does! She likes to sleep in (even if I try to wake her up with a little coffee) and party until the early morning hours. I don't notice it as much during the week because I am asleep pretty early. On the weekends I stay up later and she is really active until midnight or later. I have said all along that her most active times are around 9 and 9:30, so I think we are going to have a little one to hang out with Aunt Madi when she is up all night long!

4. She is STUBBORN like her momma and daddy! Oh good grief, she is a head strong little girl already! Just this weekend alone let me tell you what she has done. Yesterday I was laying back and she was kicking away (really hard mind you) so I told my mom about it. She runs over, puts her hand on my stomach and the little stinker completely stops moving. Mom sat with her hand on my stomach for about 5 minutes just waiting and eventually gave up. I kid you not, my mom moved her hand, sat back down and Addison started having a dance party in my stomach. I yelled,"She's moving, come back!" So my mom comes back, puts her hand on my stomach and she stopped moving again! She has done this about 3 different times now. I guess she gets it honestly!

5. She is one loved little girl! I think everyone's focus is on her right now. How is she doing? Has she moved? Who do you think she will look like? Should we do this and that...etc. We all talk about her CONSTANTLY! I can't wait to meet my girl, but until then I guess the ultrasounds will have to do. We have another check up and ultrasound Friday, so I will fill you in afterwards!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Little Treasures Consignment

See those women? You know, the ones you usually see on black Friday who are loading themselves down with anything and everything? Well... those women were my mom and I last night (along with my hubby and my dad. I just couldn't find a picture of men loaded down with items while shopping).  For the last couple of weeks, I've had numerous colleagues of mine tell me about this HUGE consignment sale that happens once a year in Louisville. Everyone was raving about it, so I knew I had to check it out. It was great!! Mike, my mom, my dad and I headed to Shelbyville Road last night after dinner to see what all the fuss was about. I wish I had gone earlier in the day and had a lot of time to look around because the items for sale were great! At one point Mike rounded the corner with the most excited look and said, "THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!"   I have to agree with him. Addison scored a lot of little onsies and other outfits that still had the tags on them. Did I mention that they were $2 and $3 a piece?! You can't beat that! If you are in the Louisville area and you are in need of little clothes, bedding, shoes, accessories, or anything baby related I would say HEAD TO THIS SALE! It started yesterday and it ends on the 17th. It's on Shelbyville Road by the Off Broadway can't miss it!! Check out how great it is for are just a few of the things that we bought for Addison:


See...adorable right? Also great prices!! Go, go, go to this sale!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

My niece is amazing!

Olivia is home safe and sound. I love her so much that I can't help but brag a moment and share a couple of pictures...
Bundled up and ready to go home. Is she not precious in her little hat and snow suit. I wish you could have heard the ohhhss and aahhhss that took place when she put on this "fit."
Dressed up and chillin out after her first set of pictures. Rachel said she did great, just stared at the photographer the entire time.
That's one proud uncle!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Wow...halfway through the pregnancy! That's hard to believe really. It seems like time is flying and that Addy will be here in NO time! Here is a picture of me and my bump yesterday afternoon:
At 20 weeks Addison is being compared (in length) to the size of a banana. She should weigh roughly 10.5 ounces and measures about 10 total inches from the top of her head to the heels of her feet. 

This part is just amazing...Addison has already acquired the sleep patterns of a newborn. She has also found her favorite sleep position (if she's like her momma, it will be on her stomach, which is not working out for me very well at the moment!) At this point many babies have fallen into a noticeable sleep pattern. I think it's safe to say that she will be wide awake at 9:00pm every night (Remember that's when I feel her kick the most?) I don't think that she will be a morning person though. Unless I have coffee in the morning, she doesn't get going until about 10am  (Oh geeze, she's taking after her aunt Madison!)

Here's the latest update on the two of us:
Cravings: nothing new this week. Mike and I have noticed that I LOVE any kind of fruit right now. Yesterday at Wal-Mart I bought bananas, strawberries, grapes, and apples. This is to add to my stash of blueberries and cuties :) I guess my cravings could be worse, huh?

Symptoms: I have to say that this pregnancy (not that I can compare it to any other) has been great! I have felt pretty good, and besides the nausea in the beginning and my back (until I got the body pillow) were the only things that were symptomatic. Since then I have been feeling great! I am a little tired right now, but I think that's because we played the waiting game with my niece last night. :) Did I mention that she's precious? Mike and I just got back home from seeing her again and she's a doll!!!

Olivia Christine Greenwell

Since September when Rachel told me that she was expecting, I have been counting the days until I got to meet my precious niece. Olivia was due on February 27th, but she was so comfortable in there that Rachel was induced yesterday morning at 7:00am. First of all I must say that my SIL is AMAZING! When Mike and I got to the hospital at about 2pm yesterday and Rachel looked great! She was talking, sleeping a little, laughing...basically you would have never known she was in labor! I told her that she was making me feel so much better about it all (That's what big sisters are for, right?) Around 5 Mike and I went to get some dinner and when we came back we were informed that Rachel was at 9cm. We were all ecstatic! We were able to go back to the delivery room and say good luck while they were waiting for her to progress to 10cm, and when it was time for her to push, her husband, Chris, and my MIL, Fonda, stayed in the room with her. Mike, Louie (my FIL), Rachel's sister in law (Jill), her MIL (Margaret) and brother in laws (Craig and Aaron) and myself waited as patiently as possible in the waiting room outside of labor and delivery. I believe that she pushed for right at an hour and at 8:02 Olivia Christine entered the world. She weighed 8 pounds , 10.2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Here are some pictures we captured of the new addition to the family...I think that you will see the excitement and love on all of our faces in these pictures. We are all smitten!
 Olivia Christine Greenwell...I could just squeeze her!

 Right after giving birth. I told you, she looks great!
 Mike and I love this picture. It's Olivia, Rachel and my mother in law, Fonda. Think they are in love?!
 Little bitty toes. Mike had to mess with Rachel's in laws (the UofL fans) After they took her footprints the bottoms of her feet were blue. Mike said that she was born a UK fan :)
 One proud Nana
 Olivia's MaMa (Chris' mom)
 The proud new parents
Auntie M and Uncle Mike admiring our baby niece. 

Olivia Christine,we love you so much and we can't wait to start making many memories with you. We can't wait for Addy to get here so you have a play buddy! We are going to have so much fun!!

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