Addison was born on Sunday and on Wednesday we got to bring out little girl home. When I say little, I mean little. I packed the outfit I came home from the hospital in for her to wear home and it was HUGE on her. The dress was a preemie if that gives you any indication of how small our girl really is. Either way, the dress was precious on her. After a few days in the hospital it was really nice to be able to get out in some sunshine. It's one crazy feeling when you are walking out of the hospital with your child. It's like you can't believe they are actually letting you leave with the baby. HA! We were so excited when we got Addison in the car and started down the road for the first time. It was so surreal walking into the house with her, showing her the bedroom that we had worked so hard on for her and getting settled in to our new lives as a family of three. A family of three...I love it!

The dress I came home from the hospital in. Bless her little heart, she had scratched her little face all to pieces! Still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!
Daddy and Addison headed to the car
All buckled in and ready to go.
As soon as we got home she peed on her changing table and had to have a quick outfit change before her nap. Doesn't she look so cozy?!
Mom, Dad, Brit and Madi worked so hard to make this stork for us. I absolutely love it!
Our whole family together again :)
Sleeping beauty
Congrats Meagan! She is so precious. I love reading your blog :)