Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3 weeks! 3 weeks! 3 weeks!!

Can you tell I'm getting really excited?! We have three more weeks until Addison's due date and I am about to die of anticipation over here! Remember me, the girl who hates waiting? Well this is worse than when we were waiting to find out if we were having a boy or a girl! The best surprise of my life is about to happen and we are just waiting on God to give the green light. Addison is now considered full term, so if I were to go into labor the doctors wouldn't stop it. COME ON LITTLE GIRL!

Believe it or not, I am still growing! I seriously don't know how I am stretching this far, but I am. Here is a picture that I took in Addison's room this morning...
Would you check out that belly!? BAM! :)

Size of Addison: Addison is weighing in around 6.5 pounds and measuring around 19 inches long (this is an "average" baby at this stage in development). She is compared to the size of a stalk of Swiss chard, which looks like this: 
She has lungs that are developed enough to survive outside the womb should I go into labor at any second (which I am praying happens!) 

Movement: Believe it or not, she is starting to slow down just a little bit. When I do feel her move it's more like a roll or a stretch instead of the hard kicks I've been getting. This is because there isn't a lot of room for her to really move around like she used to. Don't worry though, she is still very much lodged in my right ribs and it's starting to hurt when she does give a hard kick! I've heard it's normal for babies to slow down their movement when they are about to make their entrance, so maybe that's why she is a little more chilled out these days. 

Symptoms: I can't sleep well at all! I have found that our couch is more comfortable than sleeping in the bed right now. Not quite sure why, but it's a lot easier to roll over when I'm on the couch. 

What I miss: Wearing my wedding bands. I feel so naked without them, but my hands are too swollen to wear them right now. Hopefully they will go down soon after she's born. 

What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little girl!! I can't wait to see what and who she looks like! I know she's going to be perfect :)

Memory from the week: This was Mike's Facebook status on the first: 
I can't believe that the month that we will meet our child has actually arrived! I feel like I've waited for this for 9 long months. Let me take that back...I've been waiting my whole life to meet my child and now it is just DAYS away! I'm just too excited!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe its almost time for Addison's arrival!! I pray that these last few weeks treat you both well!


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