Believe it or not, I am still growing! I seriously don't know how I am stretching this far, but I am. Here is a picture that I took in Addison's room this morning...
Would you check out that belly!? BAM! :)
Size of Addison: Addison is weighing in around 6.5 pounds and measuring around 19 inches long (this is an "average" baby at this stage in development). She is compared to the size of a stalk of Swiss chard, which looks like this:
She has lungs that are developed enough to survive outside the womb should I go into labor at any second (which I am praying happens!)
Symptoms: I can't sleep well at all! I have found that our couch is more comfortable than sleeping in the bed right now. Not quite sure why, but it's a lot easier to roll over when I'm on the couch.
What I miss: Wearing my wedding bands. I feel so naked without them, but my hands are too swollen to wear them right now. Hopefully they will go down soon after she's born.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting our little girl!! I can't wait to see what and who she looks like! I know she's going to be perfect :)
Memory from the week: This was Mike's Facebook status on the first:
I can't believe that the month that we will meet our child has actually arrived! I feel like I've waited for this for 9 long months. Let me take that back...I've been waiting my whole life to meet my child and now it is just DAYS away! I'm just too excited!
I can't believe its almost time for Addison's arrival!! I pray that these last few weeks treat you both well!