Last Friday I headed home with my mom to Nicholasville in order to go to a baby shower and a wedding shower for my two cousins that live out of town. My mom made the comment that she was hoping I didn't go into labor while we were there and I kind of looked at her like she was crazy. Well, she wasn't crazy.
I need to back up on this story before I move forward. On Thursday I felt a little bit different. Addison just wasn't moving as much and it was really starting to worry me. I did kick counts and she was meeting all the standards, but it wasn't normal for her so I called the doctor and went in for an appointment. They checked everything and said that she was perfectly normal and healthy, so back home we went.
Friday I went home with mom to spend the night and get ready for the showers for my cousins. That night Billy, Madison, Mom and I took a walk around the neighborhood and we were talking about how if she were about ready to come then I would probably feel some more contractions or Braxton hicks, so we decided that it would still be a week or two. I guess that walk did a little something more than allow me to spend some quality time with my family because the next day my water broke!
Saturday morning I woke up at about 7:30 and had a bowl of cereal with my mom, sat out on the back deck with my mom and dad to drink coffee and then went to get in the shower. My cousin, Erin, is due about 2 months after we were due and we were heading to a shower for her. After that we were headed to a wedding shower for my cousin, Ashlee, who is getting married in October. We were kinda piddling around and realized that we had to leave the house soon so that we wouldn't be late. I still had rollers in my hair so I stood up to walk into the bathroom and as I walked into the bathroom my water broke.
Talk about something that catches you by surprise! I felt absolutely no different than I had before I sat down to put my rollers in my hair ten minutes before that. I had no cramping or weird feelings of any kind, but like I said, as soon as I rounded the corner it broke. People always say it feels like peeing in your pants, but I beg to differ. You definitely know the difference between peeing in your pants and when your water breaks. This was not a steady stream, it was more like one giant gush of fluids.
So I kinda started freaking out because I was in Lexington. For those of you who have talked with me throughout this pregnancy you know that my biggest fear was being far away from the hospital. The reason why is because a lot of people say your labor is like your mom's. Well with my sister's and I my mom delivered so quickly that she was not allowed to get an epidural. I was so scared that this was going to happen to me so when my water broke I went into a bit of panic mode. I immediately yelled for my mom and the chaos started. I was throwing curlers, my sisters were running around like crazy. People were grabbing my get the picture.Madison being the calm one of the bunch picked up the phone and called Mike who was out yard sale shopping for our booth at trader bakers. He thought that she was kidding, got a little aggravated, told her to shut up and then hung up the phone. HA! At that point all I wanted was to be in Louisville with him, so for a little comfort I picked up the phone and called him. I said, "My water just broke." His response was, "So Madison wasn't kidding?" He said he could hear the panic in my voice. I told him we were on our way to Louisville and he said he would meet us at the hospital after he went home to get what I had packed (I was in the middle of packing and half my stuff was with me in Lexington, so the bag never got all the way packed.)
So off we go to Louisville. I just kept telling my dad to get me to Louisville as fast as he could. He literally drove like he was in the Nascar 500. People on the interstate were looking at us like we were crazy! The flashers were going, the horn was beeping and he was driving about 98 on a Suburban that registers at 100. I wasn't in any pain, so that was a good thing. ..
The whole ride Mike would call and we would update him on where we were. He was trying to gather up everything that I didn't have packed in the bag. The camera. My shampoo. Brushes. Toothbrushes. Luckily Addison's bag had been packed for about a month.
So we get to the hospital in about 45-50 minutes. This drive normally takes me about an hour and a half. 

Mike was waiting at the front of the hospital with a wheelchair...
I slowly got out of the car, into the wheelchair and Mike and I headed into the hospital. I had time on the car ride up to Louisville to pre-register, so all my information was in the system and Mike had already gotten a room ready to go for us.We went into the room, I changed into my gown, slowly walked to the hospital bed and the nurse checked me. Definitely fluid that I was leaking so that meant that I was staying until I had Addison :) I was only one cm dilated though (relief to me because I knew that the epidural was still an option), so they started Pitocin in order to get things rolling. That's when our long night in order to get the precious girl that I have been staring at since Sunday began...
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