Monday, May 28, 2012

32 week update

32 weeks...8! I am feeling pretty good to be this far along. It really is crazy to say that I am 8 months pregnant. I am getting so anxious to meet my little girl and I can't believe that it's only a few shorts weeks away.

So I figured I would do something a little different this week with the updates. Here it goes:

Size of Addison: She is growing leaps and bounds this week. All of my books say that she should be gaining at least 1/2 a pound each week in order to prepare for when she is born. This week she's the size of a jicama. I read that and thought, "What the heck is that?!" Well I'm still not exactly what it is, but here is what it looks like:
That's pretty big and actually looking at this picture, I feel that is how Addison is curled up in my belly at the moment. She has been in a little ball all day and it feels really weird, kinda hurts actually. She is measuring right on track. Based on the measurements that were taken last week at her checkup, she is just perfect! We got back this Friday for another doctor's visit, so I am sure we will get another update as to how she is developing.

Movement: ALL. THE. TIME! She kept me up last night because she was rolling around in my belly. I actually kind of freaked out and thought about waking Mike up because I thought that something was wrong. I woke up around 3:30 and under my belly button was completely flat, but above my belly she was rolled up and it looked like I had a huge tumor. It really, really hurt and I couldn't get her to move around and really didn't know what to do. I got up, came downstairs and watched it for a little while and ended up finishing the night on the couch because it was more comfortable. I am not sure what she did, but she's ok!

Sleep: Well, hello leg cramps and Mr. Potty! I feel like that's all I've been doing at night. The leg cramps I can get to go away pretty easily and I've noticed that I get them when I am laying on my left side. I have been getting up to go to the bathroom 2-3 times each night. This is recent because I've been getting up maybe once a night throughout the whole pregnancy.

Symptoms: My mom is going to die when she reads this....HOT FLASHES! Normally I am just like my dad, cold all the time. Yesterday at church I wore a dress that had thin sleeves. Now normally when I do this, I take a sweater because I freeze during the service, but yesterday we sat down and Mike looked over at me and told me that he was a little cold. I just laughed and told him that I was wondering if they could turn the air down a little more. Totally not like me at all...Oh the hormones!

What I miss: Being able to bend over instead of squat when I need to pick something up. This goes for putting my shoes on as well...they are so hard to get on and tied/buckled! Mike had to tie my tennis shoes for me tonight because I struggled reaching them. He's a good husband!

What I'm looking forward to: The baby shower my mom and sisters are throwing for us this weekend!

Memory from the week: This week I actually saw Addison get the hiccups. I have been feeling her get them for a couple of weeks, maybe longer, but she's getting so strong that when she got them this week I could watch my stomach move as she hiccups. Mike saw it as was crazy.

I will hopefully have pictures of the bump sometime this week. I decided to do the update, but hadn't taken the picture yet. If not, there will definitely be pictures from the shower that is going to be on Saturday.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The latest checkup

On Wednesday I went for a checkup on little Miss Addison. This was the first time we had seen someone other than Dr. Grider, which made me a little nervous. We saw Dr. Dutton at this check up and she was fantastic! She was super nice and knew a lot about our personal lives from talking to Dr. Grider. That made me feel so much better. We have to see other doctors in the building because you are never guaranteed to have your doctor with you on the day of delivery, so you meet as many of the doctors as possible. Women's First, which we go to, has 12 doctors. 11 of them stay in the office and take regular appointments and one goes to labor and delivery. They rotate around, thus making you have a chance of seeing someone else in the delivery room. 

We first talked a little bit to get acquainted with each other and then she started to check out our little girl. Here are some highlights of the appointment:

-Her heart rate was nice and strong...149. 
-She is now head-down although she has a small chance of flipping around
-She is measuring right on track for a baby at 32 weeks
-Her little bottom is to the left of my belly button and her feet are at the top of my stomach (right along where your bra would rest) and her little feet are in my right ribs. I could have told you that!

We are now on an every 2 weeks appointment schedule and will be going back on June 1 right before we leave for our babymoon. I am so happy that our little girl is consistent with getting good check-ups and has been deemed "very healthy and strong."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A celebration for Addison

Today at school two of the parents of kids in my class threw a celebration for Addison. My students were so cute and excited to attend a baby shower for our little girl. They knew that when I picked them up from lunch we would be going to the shower, so when I walked in the cafeteria, two of my girls said, "You're one minute and 15 seconds late." Excited much? They were so cute! Here are a few pictures from Addy's class shower:

 My Kiddos at the celebration enjoying their cupcakes, chocolate covered strawberries and grapes

 Here's some with me and the kids

 This game was cute. They had to find as many words involving Addison as they could. The person who found the most words received a prize. They love word searches!
 Opening presents from some very sweet third grade students

 This gift was from my entire class...a Vera Bradley diaper bag. It has my two favorite colors in it, pink and green. How sweet are they?!
 The two mommas that threw the shower for me. They did such a good job; it was adorable!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Our first shower

Today was Addison's first baby shower! It was a double shower given by the girls that I work with and let me tell you, everyone out did themselves! Jennifer, my co-worker, and I are due about 6 weeks apart, so today we celebrated Addison's arrival along with the arrival of baby "EGK." I am so appreciative of the people that I work with, their giving hearts and their friendship. I absolutely cannot believe how many amazing goodies that our little girl accumulated today. Some of her gifts included lots of awesome books, diapers, burp cloths, cute little "fits", toys, a blanket made by my assistant principal, her baby monitor and much more. I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone to gave us a gift today and helped plan the shower. Mike and I appreciate it so much and we love each of you!

Here are some pictures that Kristy captured during the shower today:

Cute decorations

Addison and I with her cute sign and cake
 cute suckers that said, "It's a girl!"
Yummy food which included our librarian's famous cheese ball. She let me have the left overs to bring home and snack on. Yum, yum, yum!
Beth and Tolya. I love them!
 clearly something was really funny
 the mommies-to-be

 Check out my face in the next one. I was absolutely shocked that we received our baby monitor. It's so sync it to your iPhone so that you can have access to your baby's room even if you are not at the house. All those babysitters better watch out! We'll be stalking you!! :)

 This is the blanket that my assistant principal, JJ, made for Addy. It's so cute! I love, love, love it! Jennifer also received one that has animals and the alphabet on it. So cute!

I just wanted to say thanks again to everyone at school! You all are absolutely amazing and definitely know how to make a girl feel special!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

31 weeks

We officially have entered the single digit count down until Addison makes her debut. Nine weeks until our little girl is here!! She's still one active gal. She kicks, punches and rolls all day long. I love feeling her move, but we are running out of room to move and it's starting to become just a little uncomfortable. It's just amazing to me to watch my stomach move and roll and know that my daughter is in there!

 Here we are at 31 weeks:
Would you check out that bump?! 

I thought I'd share this next picture because I thought it was funny. Mike was being silly and trying to get a really close up picture of my face. I was swatting him away and this is what he captured. What about that bump ladies and gentlemen?!

We've had such a great weekend. On Friday we went out to eat together and rented a Redbox so we could relax at home. I am not gonna lie, I think I made it through about 35-40 minutes of the movie and I was OUT! The next day I had to ask Mike what happened in the movie. What a loser! Yesterday we got up bright and early and hit some yard sales. Some of you know this, some don't. We have a booth at the Peddler's Mall in LaGrange and Mike L.O.V.E.S. to hit yard sales on the weekend to see what treasures he can find to sell in the booth. Yesterday I decided to tag along to spend some quality time with him. We had so much fun and found some great items that we can make some $$ on. Then we cooked out last night, got some ice cream and spent some time cuddling on the couch. This morning we got up, went to church and had some lunch together. Mike is currently working with some clients and I have been tanning my little white legs outside on the back deck while I wait for him to get back home. Now that I type all that out, I see we've had a fun but busy weekend!

The wedding rings are officially off until my fingers decide not to look like vienna sausages anymore. Yesterday after we hit the yard sales my fingers were SO swollen. We were close to Mike's mom and dad's house so we stopped so I could soak them in some cold water and try to get them off. It was not so easy to get them off. I soaked, tried lotion, soaked some more, pulled with all my might, etc. and they still wouldn't come over my knuckle. Mike's dad even offered me some vegetable oil to get them off as a joke and I almost took him up on the offer. I finally, being the determined person I am, decided those bad boys had to come off. I got some more lotion and a paper towel to keep my grip and pulled as hard as I could for about 30 seconds. I finally got them off, but broke skin when I did. So now I have swollen, sore and scabby fingers. Fantastic! Hopefully they will go down soon because people are looking at me like I'm some kind of sinner because I'm pregnant and don't have on a wedding band. I now have a new found respect for women who are unmarried and are pregnant. After being stared at like I have, I have sympathy for them in a new way. I hope I never make anyone feel as low as some people have made me feel just because I can't wear my wedding band at the moment. 

I have no idea which fruit, vegetable or other item that Addison is being compared to this week, but I am sure it's a big one! In weight, one website describes it as carrying around 4 large oranges. In my case 4 really active and jumpy oranges! She's also getting longer periods of sleep and more defined patterns of wakefulness. She can now turn her head from side to side and she is starting to plump up and prepare of another growth spurt. 

That's about it for the update! I hope everyone has a great week. Oh, and look for some updates...we have our first shower tomorrow and another doctor's visit this Wednesday! So exciting!

How Addison got her name

Back in November when we found out our family would be expanding by one, we picked out a boy name and agreed it on immediately, but when we started to talk about possible girl names, we just couldn't commit. We had so many picked out, some included Harper, Madeline and Reese, but we just couldn't say for sure which one we liked.

Our main stipulation to picking out a name was that it had to have a good meaning to it. Here's why. At the beginning of the school year I had my students do a lot of different activities with their names in order to get to know the other students in the classroom. One of the activities was to look up the meaning of their name and share it with the rest of the class. We didn't ever want her to have to do something like this and think "geeze mom and dad. What were you thinking?!" So Mike and I googled a name that we were almost set on, one that I have liked since I was about 11, and the meaning of it was "ugly head." That one was out! I still love the name, but Mike was dead set against it after that point.

The other stipulation to choosing a name was that I didn't want it associated with tons of kids at school. If you are a teacher, you feel me on this! It is so hard to say a name and not think of a particular student immediately. I didn't want to name her and always think of a student at school.

We also went back and forth as to which middle name we were going to end up using. We both liked Ann because Mike's grandma and my littlest sister both have Ann as their middle name. We thought that would honor both sides of the family with one name, but we also liked Dawn. Dawn is my middle name and my mom's middle name, so we thought that it would be cute if mom, mimi and baby all had the same middle name.

Then one day I got to looking at names on the internet and I came across Addison. I started looking at the meaning of the word, where it derived from and so on. The meaning of it, depending on which site you look at means Adam's son or strong. I don't necessarily like the Adam's son part, but strong I do like! I found that Addison is a form of Edison, which was my Papaw's middle name.
 This is my papaw and I when I was a baby
Here's papaw sitting on the front porch at mom and dad's house

My papaw was an amazing man and when I saw that it was a form of his name, I was sold! Mike liked it as well! We also like Addison because it reminds us of my baby sister as well as my papaw, so we definitely wanted to choose that as a first name. We were a little apprehensive to use Addison Ann because my little sister is Madison Ann and that's just way too close, so instead of choosing Ann as a middle name, she will be named after me and her mimi, with the middle name Dawn. 
Addison's Mimi, my momma
Addison's Aunt Madi, my baby sister

And that's the story of how Addison Dawn got her name. I just love it so much. I call her Addison and Addy and I think both of those are just so cute!

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