This time of year my hubby becomes obsessed with fantasy football. I can't blame him really because I play in a league too and I enjoy it ...hey if you can't beat em, join em, right? Saturday night was draft night for the other league that he is in. I was told it would only take a couple of hours...yea right! So Addy Bug and I headed out for a girls night, knowing her daddy would not be back until llllaatttteeeee.
We first made a stop to get a birthday present for her buddy's second birthday. Then we picked up an Addy favorite, Chick-Fil-A, and headed to the park for a picnic.
We blew bubbles, swang, ate and even had our first encounter with the ice cream man. Addison liked the music in his truck, go figure!
Then we headed to a place I knew Addison would love and that I have been wanting to try out forever. It's called All About Kids, which the best way I can explain it is like a Gymboree gymnastics class. They have a large gym for older kids, but there are also places for kids to take classes and play. They even have a pool with 2 water slides and a splash park type set up around the pool. We went to the open gym just to try it out and Addison LOVED it. I mean really loved it. I haven't ever seen that child smile as big as she was smiling. I got so tickled at her though because they had us playing in a part that was for younger kids, but she wanted to be where the "big" kids were. When I say big, they were probably 4 or 5, but she was so curious as to what they were doing. I did let her play with them a bit, but they were jumping on the trampoline for most of the time and that's just not safe for a little bug :)
This place was great though...and huge! I can't wait to sign her up for an actual class where she will be able to socialize with other kiddos her age and play. She was too excited about this place!

She loved the feel of the floor, so when I would roll the ball to her she'd roll over and lay there. Silly girl!

Playing with the big kids in the pit. She looked so incredibly tiny in there!

moving so fast that it's blurry but it just reminded me how small she is when she was in the pit, so I had to share

In the big bouncy with mommy

enjoying her playtime
If you have a place like this near you, I would highly recommend it. I know I was a little apprehensive because I thought she was too small to go, but she loved it and they had so much equipment for kids her age. We will definitely be taking her back next week with her daddy in tow!
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