Friday, August 16, 2013

A change of heart

It truly is amazing sometimes how your heart and you mind change about things. Addison, just a couple of short months ago I was so upset you had to have a shot every single day. I wanted you to be healthy on your own. I wanted you to not have to experience pain. I was mad because it wasn't fair. I kept hoping and praying that they would decide you didn't need it. I kind of thought our life was over. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's really true! For goodness sake I was so nervous about having to be the one ( Along with Daddy of course) to give you the shot, that I begged your aunt Hannah to let us come to her house the first time since she is a nurse. To top it all off, I was so nervous and upset about your first shot, I messed up drawing the dosage and wasted the entire shot by  accidentally pouring it down Aunt Hannah's sink. We drove all the way there and the had to turn right around and go home because Mommy was a wreck and messed it up!

Then you actually got sick for the first time since starting the shot and my heart changed. When you're sick, mommy and daddy can't give you the shot so that your own body kicks in to fight the bug. I realized how quickly things started going back to when you were really, really sick and all I wanted to do was get you better so you could have your shot. It really is a miracle medicine that you do so well with. I am so thankful for it really because when you weren't able to have it, things reverted back in a matter of hours. Mommy and Daddy called Dr.Huggins and she quickly put you back on your shot. I'm not kidding when Ii say things were back to normal when you woke up the next morning. I praise God for the fact that we have the medicine and doctors that we do for you!

10 years ago the medicine you get did not exist. I can't imagine not having it because you really do need it and I see such a big difference in the way you feel when you're on it. I know you won't understand for a really long time why you have to get this shot, but one day I think your mind and heart will change about it-just like mommy's did. It really is a great thing that we can give it to you. 

I am praying for your heart and for the day when you'll understand the importance of what we are doing for you. So happy you're felling better sweet girl!

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