I know I am really behind on updating the blog. Some of you faithful followers might be wondering where I disappeared to...well school has started back again and I have been using up every spare second getting quality time in with Mike and Addison. I have a ton to write about, it's just finding the time to do it. For now, I will leave you with the promise of a 13 month update (since I am 2 weeks behind) and some pictures of my sweet girl from month 13.

At first Addison was a little skeptical of the panda but now they are best buds!

Just like Mimi-lovin that corn on the Cobb ( you know you're a uk fan when you type cobb and your auto correct capitalizes it- if you're a fan you know who I am referring to) :)

I love the video monitor for this reason. Look how peaceful my little angel looks

Mike and Addison riding around the yard. No worried the blade is not down!

When I say, "CHEESE!" This is what I get

Into everything

Drinking some milk and waiting on the rest of the family to come to our house so we can leave for vacation

Practicing sitting like a big girl in her new chair

On a walk with mommy

She's such a happy girl!

Learning to walk isn't easy stuff! Sporting a couple of scratches from her falls :(
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