Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day and it was the first for my hubby. I am so thankful for Mike for so many reasons. To name a few, he is a great husband, a hands-on dad, a great son, a Godly man and a hard worker. I am so grateful that he is my husband and my baby daddy ;) He's the type of dad who sings, dances, plays, rocks to sleep, reads, swings, takes walks, makes bottles, changes diapers, juggles work and watching Addison so she doesn't have to go to a daycare, feeds, teaches, gets up in the middle of the night, cares for, prays for, worries for, wakes up early, works late, and does whatever he needs to do and more to make sure our little girl is more than taken care of. I can't begin to describe how grateful I am for all that he does because I know without him I'd be up a creek. So Happy Father's Day to the daddy who reads Minnie Mouse's "Bowtique", buys pink Barbie fishing poles with matching sunglasses and purse and who once said pink was not only his favorite color but his new attitude! You're the most wonderful daddy and I wouldn't want to go through the crazy ride of parenthood with anyone else. I love you!

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