This little cutie...
has been one social butterfly this summer! I have been LOVING the time that I have at home with her and we've been visiting, playing, swimming, swinging, walking, playing, crawling, you name it, we're doin' it this summer!
There is a new park off Shelbyville Road, not sure what it's called,but it's really neat. Mike discovered it and wanted to take is kayak to go fishing. Addison and I decided we'd go along and play at the splash park while he fished and we would meet up with him. She wasn't really big on the splash park because the water was freezing, but she did LOVE the swing..
We stopped for some lunch and to try the water out again...
but we ended up right back in the swing...
Every time I stopped the swing this is what happened:
So we continued to swing and since then we have gotten a swing at our house which we have used the daylights out of!
We also went to visit Mimi and Papaw a couple of days ago. There is a park by their house and look what we took advantage of...
We've also been taking at least one walk a day. She loves to be outside! Aunt Madi and Uncle Billy joined in as well. Last time I took a walk with those two I went in to labor....oh geeze!
Addison has also been practicing her splits ;)
And of course we have been outside playing in the sunshine! Addison loves the pool my mom got for her as well as her water table. A couple days ago we went outside to play with them, but daddy was mowing the yard and she wanted to watch him instead. Each time he would circle around, she'd clap for him and yell, "YAY!!!! DA-DA-DA-DA!" side note: must be nice to have your own chanting fan club! :)
Here is Addison watching her daddy mow and taking a break from playing at the water table:
And of course, I have to show some random pictures of my sweet girl, because Lord knows I don't flaunt her all over this blog anyways. HA!
Did I mention I LOVE summer break...because I do!
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