Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Holy crap!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, as a new mommy I've sported a new accessory the other day: Addison's poo. Yes, you read that correctly. I was wearing my daughter's poop. Here's the story. My friend and colleague wanted to come visit Addy but we were going to Nicholasville, so I decided to pay a visit to work and have lunch with her and our other friend, Beth. After eating, Addy started to get hungry. I warmed her up a bottle in the front office (which was busy with parents mind you) and began to feed my starving child. If you know Addison, you know she has high metabolism and often goes number two as she is eating. If you know her then you also know she has reflux and can't be laid flat for at least 10 minutes after she eats or you'll see her milk again. This can sometimes be a nasty combination. My case in point: so I'm feeding her and she's clearly filling her britches as all the parents who've waited 9 long months are admiring my child. I know she's pooped her pants, but remember I can't lay her flat to change her yet. All of a sudden she looks at me, face gets red and there is a warm feeling all over my legs. Yes, her poop shot out of her diaper and was all down my legs. So everyone is screaming and yelling, "Ew!" and I'm standing wearing my daughter's poo. So everyone is standing laughing and I am yelling, "Don't just stand there! HELP!" It was quite the sight I am sure, but after someone finally helped me, we were all cleaned up and ready for our next adventure. She sure christened the school and I'm sure we will be talking about that event at school for months to come!

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