We have a certified hunter in the Fogle house. We've been trying to catch a mouse in our garage for about 2 months now and he always seems to outsmart us, as well as the mouse traps. Not Pumpkin though! The other day I was feeding Addison and getting her down for a nap and I could hear Mike outside yelling," Good girl, Pumpkin, good girl!" I figured they were playing frisbee or something, but a couple minutes later both of them came into Addy's nursery with a sense of pride written all over their faces. Pumpkin had caught the "mouse." Mouse meaning mice. She caught not one but two mice in our garage and was ready to attack more. Mike said she had the entire mouse (all but the tail) in her mouth...ew! Now every time we let her outside she runs over to the toolbox in hopes of catching another one.So...if you're ever in a bind and can't get that pesky rodent away from your house, I'll send Pumpkin over to take care if it for you! Mike would say our dog is amazing because if this...I on the other hand think it's good but gross! :) I still love her though!

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