Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Oh yes it's ladies' night!

This time of year my hubby becomes obsessed with fantasy football. I can't blame him really because I play in a league too and I enjoy it ...hey if you can't beat em, join em, right? Saturday night was draft night for the other league that he is in. I was told it would only take a couple of hours...yea right! So Addy Bug and I headed out for a girls night, knowing her daddy would not be back until llllaatttteeeee.

We first made a stop to get a birthday present for her buddy's second birthday. Then we picked up an Addy favorite, Chick-Fil-A, and headed to the park for a picnic.
We blew bubbles, swang, ate and even had our first encounter with the ice cream man. Addison liked the music in his truck, go figure!

Then we headed to a place I knew Addison would love and that I have been wanting to try out forever. It's called All About Kids, which the best way I can explain it is like a Gymboree gymnastics class. They have a large gym for older kids, but there are also places for kids to take classes and play. They even have a pool with 2 water slides and a splash park type set up around the pool. We went to the open gym just to try it out and Addison LOVED it. I mean really loved it. I haven't ever seen that child smile as big as she was smiling. I got so tickled at her though because they had us playing in a part that was for younger kids, but she wanted to be where the "big" kids were. When I say big, they were probably 4 or 5, but she was so curious as to what they were doing. I did let her play with them a bit, but they were jumping on the trampoline for most of the time and that's just not safe for a little bug :) 

This place was great though...and huge! I can't wait to sign her up for an actual class where she will be able to socialize with other kiddos her age and play. She was too excited about this place!

She loved the feel of the floor, so when I would roll the ball to her she'd roll over and lay there. Silly girl!

Playing with the big kids in the pit. She looked so incredibly tiny in there!

moving so fast that it's blurry but it just reminded me how small she is when she was in the pit, so I had to share

In the big bouncy with mommy

enjoying her playtime

If you have a place like this near you, I would highly recommend it. I know I was a little apprehensive because I thought she was too small to go, but she loved it and they had so much equipment for kids her age. We will definitely be taking her back next week with her daddy in tow!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Raisin her right!

As a parent living in the Louisville area I feel I would be doing my child an injustice if Mike and I did not introduce her to one of the best barbecue  restaurants in the area. With a great atmosphere, big cups of sweet,sweet tea and the best corn on the Cobb I've ever had, Mark's is definitely the epitome of a Southern restaurant. So of course being the great parents we are (hehe) we took our baby girl and her cousin to Mark's this weekend.
My little big was so tired that she slept in my arms for the first twenty or so minutes. If you know Addison, this never happens. She's too concerned about what's going on around her to sleep. Also she likes it very quiet while she sleeps. She really was exhausted though!

While Addison slept, this little lady tore up some onion rings
Addison did finally wake up and when she did she was ready to get her first taste if Mark's

She loved it!!!!

13 month update

I am such a slacker. Addison, when you read this when you're way older, don't judge your Mommy too hard. I've been spending lots of quality time with you and your daddy and the time just got away from me!

I know that Addison is just a couple weeks shy of 14 months, but I thought I would share some of my favorite 13 month happenings with you.
Addison learns a new word every day. I swear. She is like a human sponge and she is just developing so quickly. 

She says mama, daddy, mimi, nanny, papaw, duck, that, drink, milk, ball, sunshine, outside, horsey, fishy, whoa, it's hot and many more I am sure I'm missing...

She is trying to repeat everything we say. I will say something and I can hear the syllables and sounds that she is trying to say the same thing. It might not come out exactly like I said it but I can definitely tell she's giving it a shot.

Addison is the friendliest kid in the world. She doesn't have a shy bone in her body. I have heard time and time again that she's just one of those people that when you're around her she makes you happy. I love that about her.

You should see when we go to church or to a restaurant. Addison has to turn, wave, and say hey to every person sitting around us. We get so tickled at her!

She is so close to walking. Addison will get behind her little puppy that has a handle and wheels and walk all over the place She will walk up and down the couch and around the tables. She will also basically run when you hold her hands and walk behind her. It's a matter of time until our girl is walking!

Addison LOVES books! She has recently started holding one out when she wants me to read it and then she will crawl up in my lap and sit while I read. It's one of my favorite things she does!

She is a very determined little lady. It's a good thing and a growing area all in one. I am glad she is determined because I know she's not going to give up easily. Heck, with all she's been through I think she has proved she's a fighter. At the same time, if she wants something she is going to do everything in her power to get it. Even if she has been told no. We're working on it ;)

Addison even knows her name. If you say, "Who are you?" or "What's your name?" she will point to herself, grin really big and say, "AAAA-DEEE!!!" the other day she actually tried saying Addison as well.

Addy Bug, you're just so awesome! Mommy and Daddy can't get enough of you and your cute little personality. We have loved watching you grow and develop and we are so proud of the little lady you're becoming! 

"Sun- chine!"

This past week the weather has been beautiful! I swear school starts back and it's like a switch gets flipped and fall arrives immediately.I love it though. Fall is my favorite! The weather,in my opinion, is just perfect. 

After I got off of work a couple of days ago I decided to take Addison up to the park by our house while Mike finished up working. It's not a very big park,but each time we go Addison seems to love it! She has also started saying "sunshine" which is absolutely adorable. She will point to the window and say "sun-chine" and "out-chide" and we can't help but grin and head out to let her play. She's her daddy for sure-my MIL tells me all the time how Mike loved being outside when he was little. He still does...

headed to the park...I think we have a small addiction. I just noticed the other day that she keeps a stash of them in her car seat cup holder. Whenever I go to put her in the car seat she will try to sit up the whole time and I figured out it's because she is trying to get to the cup holder where she's hoarding :)

loving the swing

she isn't asleep in this picture. This is what you call relaxed. The wind was blowing, the sun was shining, so she took it all in. Laid her little head back, closed her eyes and enjoyed the "sun-chine" while I pushed the swing. I melt!

check out that sass. I love this picture!

Hope you all are enjoying this beautiful weather as much as we are!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

savoring every moment

With it being time for me to head back to school, I am not getting to spend nearly as much time with Addison. Let me tell ya, getting back into the routine of entertaining 24 third graders for 8 hours a day is exhausting, but  I make sure when I come home I am ready to spend the evening with my family. Addison has been having a ball, so I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures of the past couple of weeks...

Friday, August 16, 2013

A change of heart

It truly is amazing sometimes how your heart and you mind change about things. Addison, just a couple of short months ago I was so upset you had to have a shot every single day. I wanted you to be healthy on your own. I wanted you to not have to experience pain. I was mad because it wasn't fair. I kept hoping and praying that they would decide you didn't need it. I kind of thought our life was over. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's really true! For goodness sake I was so nervous about having to be the one ( Along with Daddy of course) to give you the shot, that I begged your aunt Hannah to let us come to her house the first time since she is a nurse. To top it all off, I was so nervous and upset about your first shot, I messed up drawing the dosage and wasted the entire shot by  accidentally pouring it down Aunt Hannah's sink. We drove all the way there and the had to turn right around and go home because Mommy was a wreck and messed it up!

Then you actually got sick for the first time since starting the shot and my heart changed. When you're sick, mommy and daddy can't give you the shot so that your own body kicks in to fight the bug. I realized how quickly things started going back to when you were really, really sick and all I wanted to do was get you better so you could have your shot. It really is a miracle medicine that you do so well with. I am so thankful for it really because when you weren't able to have it, things reverted back in a matter of hours. Mommy and Daddy called Dr.Huggins and she quickly put you back on your shot. I'm not kidding when Ii say things were back to normal when you woke up the next morning. I praise God for the fact that we have the medicine and doctors that we do for you!

10 years ago the medicine you get did not exist. I can't imagine not having it because you really do need it and I see such a big difference in the way you feel when you're on it. I know you won't understand for a really long time why you have to get this shot, but one day I think your mind and heart will change about it-just like mommy's did. It really is a great thing that we can give it to you. 

I am praying for your heart and for the day when you'll understand the importance of what we are doing for you. So happy you're felling better sweet girl!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Photo album: 13 months

I know I am really behind on updating the blog. Some of you faithful followers might be wondering where I disappeared to...well school has started back again and I have been using up every spare second getting quality time in with Mike and Addison. I have a ton to write about, it's just finding the time to do it. For now, I will leave you with the promise of a 13 month update (since I am 2 weeks behind) and some pictures of my sweet girl from month 13.
At first Addison was a little skeptical of the panda but now they are best buds!
Just like Mimi-lovin that corn on the Cobb ( you know you're a uk fan when you type cobb and your auto correct capitalizes it- if you're a fan you know who I am referring to) :)
I love the video monitor for this reason. Look how peaceful my little angel looks
Mike and Addison riding around the yard. No worried the blade is not down!
When I say, "CHEESE!" This is what I get 
Into everything
Drinking some milk and waiting on the rest of the family to come to our house so we can leave for vacation
Practicing sitting like a big girl in her new chair
On a walk with mommy
She's such a happy girl!
Learning to walk isn't easy stuff! Sporting a couple of scratches from her falls :(

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