To say that I am blessed is a complete understatement. I am way beyond blessed...more than I deserve, really. And let's be honest, I sometimes take it for granted. My life is simply amazing. I love it and I am so thankful for so many things. I remember once while I was in college our preacher challenged us to write down something that we were thankful for for an entire year. He said you would be amazed at the little things that we overlook on a day to day basis, that other people would literally die to have. So I have done something similar to that challenge. Over the past
month I have compiled a list of things in my life that I have to be thankful for. I am sure there are so many more, but this is the working list that I have going.
1. God's mercy and grace. I stand in awe of the compassion that God pours out to me on a daily basis. I am thankful that he feels I deserve it, because there are times I feel totally unworthy.
2. My amazingly awesome husband. He is the best person I have ever known. He is the best leader to our family, husband to me and father to our baby girl. I am so lucky that for the rest of my life I get to call him mine!
3. Our healthy baby. It seems like Facebook is flooded with children who are not healthy. I am not only thankful I get to be Addison's mommy, but that she is a healthy little girl!
4. Great parents. Talk about parents who are totally selfless for my sisters and I. They would literally do anything for us and I'm grateful that they showed me a great example if what it means to be a parent.
5. A safe home that I also love coming home to each day.
6. the right to vote and voice my opinion.
7. that my husband and I both have a steady job.
8. Friends. My college experience at uk would be what it was without my sorority sisters and I'm so thankful for the memories we've created. I'm also so thankful for the friends that I've made post college and that we are all in the same stage in life with small little ones who can grow up together.
9. Health. Not only for me, but for Addy and Mike. I am constantly thinking if Lane Goodwin and the hurt that his family feels because of his poor health and I'm so thankful everyone in my family is healthy.
10. veterans who have fought for our country as well as people who are active in our military.
11. safe drinking water. At church a few weeks ago our preacher talked about an infant in Haiti who died because of unsanitary drinking water. I can't imagine.
12. Southland Christian Church. The church that built me.
13. cousins for Addison. She and Olivia are getting old enough to where they interact with one another and I'm so thankful they will have each other to grow up with.
14. In laws. Some people don't like theirs, but I love both of mine. They treat me like I am their child and that is so nice. When Mike and I married, we moved an hour and a half from my family and having his parents close made it not so hard.
15. Pumpkin...I love that crazy dog and the fact that he has adjusted to Addison so well.
16. Pinterest. They have the best ideas. I can recreate things I've seen, but I sometimes have a hard time coming up with things. Pinterest is great for people like me!
16. clean sheets. Love em!
17. short work weeks because then I get to be home with my family all day and see Addison when she wakes up in the morning. It's my favorite time of day with her.
18. A reliable car.
19. Mike's grandmas. It is safe to say my sister's and I got the short end if the stick when it comes to grandparents. My papaw (who was great) passed when I was 6 and my other grandparents haven't been very involved. Mike's grandma's treat me like their own ( just like my in laws) and it's nice to see how it should be :)
20. My sisters. I am lucky enough to be a big sister two times. They are not only great sisters, but great friends.
21. Music. I love that just one tune can take you back to a place in time and give you the best memory.
22. My college education. I got my master's in education last year and I'm so thankful for it. I am also thankful that Addison will see how her daddy and I value education since I earned two degrees and Mike was a double major.
23. My husband's business sense. Money burns a hole in my pocket at times, but he's very sensible about our finances.
24. Vacations. We recently took our first one as a family of three and I love the memories that were created.
Happy Thanksgiving! We sure do have a lot to be thankful for...(even if it's not in my list above!)