Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Holy crap!

Yes ladies and gentlemen, as a new mommy I've sported a new accessory the other day: Addison's poo. Yes, you read that correctly. I was wearing my daughter's poop. Here's the story. My friend and colleague wanted to come visit Addy but we were going to Nicholasville, so I decided to pay a visit to work and have lunch with her and our other friend, Beth. After eating, Addy started to get hungry. I warmed her up a bottle in the front office (which was busy with parents mind you) and began to feed my starving child. If you know Addison, you know she has high metabolism and often goes number two as she is eating. If you know her then you also know she has reflux and can't be laid flat for at least 10 minutes after she eats or you'll see her milk again. This can sometimes be a nasty combination. My case in point: so I'm feeding her and she's clearly filling her britches as all the parents who've waited 9 long months are admiring my child. I know she's pooped her pants, but remember I can't lay her flat to change her yet. All of a sudden she looks at me, face gets red and there is a warm feeling all over my legs. Yes, her poop shot out of her diaper and was all down my legs. So everyone is screaming and yelling, "Ew!" and I'm standing wearing my daughter's poo. So everyone is standing laughing and I am yelling, "Don't just stand there! HELP!" It was quite the sight I am sure, but after someone finally helped me, we were all cleaned up and ready for our next adventure. She sure christened the school and I'm sure we will be talking about that event at school for months to come!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I have to share this post because I laughed and related to every single bullet in it. The blog that I am sharing from is called Mary and I went to high school together and her husband grew up the street over from me. I remember him from an accident I had when I was little...I once got a concussion from his sidewalk when I fell off my bike. Luckily, I survivied :)  She and her husband have an adorable little boy and her blog is so entertaning. I stumbled upon her blog a couple of months ago and have been reading it ever since. She gives some great advice for all moms, lessons she's learned from becoming a first time mom and it is very real. She doesn't sugar coat anything and I really enjoy reading it! I am sharing a post that she recently wrote called Brand-Spankin'-New-Mamma. is so true and hilarious! If you are a mommy, then you will completely get it!

Dear Brand-Spankin-New Mama,

At this point you may be thinking, Holy Guacamole! They really let me put a little tiny baby in my car and drive off?

Calm down, Brand-Spankin-New Mama, it's not just any little tiny baby--it's YOUR baby! (What?!) Crazy, I know, but it's true. (At least I think it's your baby, maybe you should check the wrist band one more time.)

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, you're about to embark on some wild and unforgettable (and yet very forgettable) months. You're about to experience feelings you never knew you could feel, so take your pain killers and saddle up--here you go!

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, it's ok if your nursery is not finished. It's ok if you haven't done all the preparations you had planned on doing. Do you have a blanket or two and some burp clothes? Combine that with the loot you made off with at the hospital (diapers, wipes, pacis, creams, formula, etc., etc.) you'll be set for a few days. Babies don't take up much space in the beginning.

Brand-New Mama, I want to be the one to tell you this secret about newborn babies: They keep breathing even when you put them down in a safe place to get some water out of the fridge. And since newborns don't flip and flop around, a safe place is not hard to find (Couch cushion + Boppy pillow) .

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, it's ok if you're feeling completely overwhelmed and unsure of what you just got yourself into. We all feel that way at least a little (some of us hide it more than others, but we all feel it.) Cry if you need to. Seriously, right now. It's ok, mama.

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, you're doing great. Take comfort in knowing that with each day your baby gets a little older and more mature. If you have a colicky baby that cries like a baby, know that he eventually grows out of it. I promise he doesn't mean to make you frustrated.

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, if your baby is crying, you can't get her to stop, and you're about to lose it, it's ok to set her in her crib for a few minutes and compose yourself. Seriously. Even a thirty second break helps. Your baby is usually so thankful you came back and picked her up, that the crying calms down.

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, lots of people will offer you help and advice. Take what you want and leave what you don't. Think before you speak because, let's be honest, your mommy-brain has never been worse. Don't forget to eat, especially if you're breastfeeding. It's not selfish to eat, your body has to produce milk.

Brand-Spankin-New Mama, if you're having a rough time, give it a week, then give it six weeks, then give it three months, then give it six months, and then it gets better! Each of those milestone are turning points though, so use them as focal points when you feel like these are the slowest days of your life. And remember, mama, eventually your baby won't wake you up in the night (that's not to say you won't wake up anyway out of habit and panic.)

Love this post! Check out Mary's blog at

Mary, Thanks for letting me share!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

You know you're a mom when...

1. You Think in 3 hour increments.
2. When strangers are approaching your baby you could throw down if they touch her. Momma bear instinct :)
3. You would rather shop for baby than for yourself.
4. Spit up is your new favorite accessory.
5. After getting the baby in the shopping cart along with all of her accessories needed while in the store there is no room left for groceries in the cart.
6. It takes 4 hours to shower.
7. You pull over in random driveways to console your child.
8. You park as close to the cart return as possible.
9. For breastfeeding mommas you feel like your shirt is off more than on.
10. You drive like a little old woman.
11. You're not afraid to admit that you've prayed for your daughters bowel movements.
12. At the grocery you look for foods you can eat with one hand.
13. You start to believe your a Cullen because you never sleep.
14. You would gladly pick someone's nose other than your own.
15. You wash the same load of laundry at least 3 times because you keep forgetting to put it into the dryer.
16. You showered yesterday, or was it the day before? Oh heck, you at least had one shower this week, so you're good to go, right?
And you wouldn't change it for anything in the world!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A smile that will melt your heart

Just this past week Addison has started smiling at her mommy and daddy. Last weekend Mike was sitting on the couch with Addison and he was taking his finger and moving her chin up and down to make it look like she was talking and she just started grinning at him so he kept doing it. Let me tell you, her smile is adorable! The next couple of days I tried to get her to do it for me, but she wouldn't. She would just stare at me like I was crazy then I was changing her diaper on Wednesday and talking to her while I did and she grinned at me! Oh I could have just squeezed her. So I kept talking and singing and she thought it was so funny! She has been smiling up a storm since then. She us definitely going through some major developmental milestones!! She definitely melts our hearts with whatever she does, but oh that little grin! She's amazing!

Pumpkin the mouse hunter

We have a certified hunter in the Fogle house. We've been trying to catch a mouse in our garage for about 2 months now and he always seems to outsmart us, as well as the mouse traps. Not Pumpkin though! The other day I was feeding Addison and getting her down for a nap and I could hear Mike outside yelling," Good girl, Pumpkin, good girl!" I figured they were playing frisbee or something, but a couple minutes later both of them came into Addy's nursery with a sense of pride written all over their faces. Pumpkin had caught the "mouse." Mouse meaning mice. She caught not one but two mice in our garage and was ready to attack more. Mike said she had the entire mouse (all but the tail) in her mouth...ew! Now every time we let her outside she runs over to the toolbox in hopes of catching another one.So...if you're ever in a bind and can't get that pesky rodent away from your house, I'll send Pumpkin over to take care if it for you! Mike would say our dog is amazing because if this...I on the other hand think it's good but gross! :) I still love her though!

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, August 12, 2012

How we spent our weekend

We've had a busy weekend with a first for Addison thrown in there. This weekend we made it to church (GASP!).Yes, I say this not to brag or to get positive feedback, but because I feel I need to say it because it doesn't seem real. We were showered, fed, and out the door by 10:00 this morning. That was everyone in the Fogle house. WOW! That is a major accomplishment because normally I am not out of the house until at lease 1 in the afternoon. It was definitely a team effort. Mike and I had to trade off getting ready in order to get out the door on time, but we did it and Addison did a great job in church. The man beside me told me he forgot she was even there. She's a great little girl if I do say so myself.
Too cute in her tutu for church. 

YAY! We're going to be on time!
After church we headed to the pool in Shelbyville so Addison could catch up with her best friend Tate. 
 Ready for the swimming pool! She's still too little to get in the water, but I know next year she's going to love going swimming!

Tate hanging out with her YoYo.This picture is a little dark but I wish you could have seen how cute she was in that little hat. I love her to pieces!
Addy napping at the pool

I am backtracking here...Saturday Mike and I got up early and hit some yard sales while Addison spent some quality time with her Mimi and Papaw. When I got back from the yard sales, Mike headed out to shop some more and Addison, Mimi and I took a walk around the neighborhood because it was such a beautiful day. Addison loved it!
 I think she's playing o'possum!

Look how little in her stroller

Please excuse the spit up!

Sweet angel girl!

"The sun is too bright!"

"Can you fix it, Mom?"

Walks tire a little girl out!

Friday night my mom and dad came into town to see Addy. Mike and I were lucky enough to get to go out on a date while my mom and dad watched her for a couple of hours. We went to see the new Batman movie (Yes, I know we are like the last people to see it, but at least we made it to the theater to see it before it came out on DVD!) We loved it! In fact, last night we watched Batman Begins on DVD because we are in the "Batman Mode." I don't think Addison missed us while we were gone...
 Hangin out with papaw

Addy, Mimi, Papaw and Pumpkin

Yay for great weekends!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Louisville Area Homes

A look back


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