Mike on the other hand might be one of the most patient people I know. He doesn't get worked up about much. He can wait and wait and wait. It makes me want to scream. From the night that I took the first pregnancy test and saw that it was positive, I have thought about nothing else but who this little one inside me is. My colleagues laugh at me because we have names for both genders and bedding for both genders, just waiting on tomorrow to come when I know if I will be shopping for baby girl Fogle or baby boy Fogle. I have tried all of the old wives' tales. I think they are silly and most of the time untrue, but it's still fun to guess. It's funny how God works. I have done all of the little tricks and some say it's a girl and some say boy. 50/50. Of course it would be! I think it's God's way of telling me that I still need to be patient. Him saying, "Take a deep breath, I'm in control!" And thank goodness he is. I am absolutely amazed at this little life that is growing inside of me. From each little flutter that I am feeling these past couple of weeks, I'm amazed at how great God is. It's truly a miracle that is growing in me!
Here is baby and me this afternoon after work...17 weeks today! The picture is a little blurry, but you can see the belly!
The baby is now the size of an open hand or a turnip and weighing in at about 5 ounces. Although the baby's eyes are still closed they are starting to make little movements from side to side. They are also becoming more sensitive to light.
Practice makes perfect! Little baby Fogle is now practicing his or her sucking and swallowing skills. In facts, most all of the survival reflects that the baby will have when born are already in place and being practiced daily. There's a lot going on in there right now!
We can't wait until tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we will be able to share the news tomorrow. If not, definitely Wednesday!
Well, I'm still waiting anxiously! :)