1. Every child or baby you see, you will start to think," Will ours look like ___________? Will she be funny like ______? Will she have curly hair like ______?" (insert almost any question, I am sure I've wondered it)
2. You experience a hunger like you've never known before. I tell Mike all the time that Addison is like him. I kid you not, every three hours on the dot I am STARVING! This is not a normal type of hungry either. It's like I haven't eaten in two days type of hungry. I am trying to stay healthy about it though. I usually pack a banana, veggies or other type of healthy little snack.
3. You actually want to throw up. When I was in the first trimester I wasn't sick and throwing up all the time, but I felt like I wanted to. I would always think if I could throw up, I would feel so much better.
4. You have a special connection with the baby in the first place because, well, you are carrying her inside you for 9 months, but you get an extra special gift because you get to feel the baby kick long before anyone else. I have been feeling Addison kick for about 4 weeks now, but she still isn't strong enough for anyone else to feel. She is kind of on a "schedule" (HA! Who am I kidding!) Every night around 9:30 she is really active. I also feel her in the afternoon on most days. I look forward to 9:30 each night :)
5. You pray more than you have ever prayed in your life! I think I started praying the night we found out we were expecting and I haven't stopped since. I pray about everything...obviously the ones like let her be healthy, let everything develop properly, help me sleep in a position that I will not harm her, don't let the cord get wrapped around her neck, etc. etc. etc. Some of my prayers are so much more in depth. I
6. Your wants and needs don't seem so important anymore. Addison isn't even here yet and all I want is for her to have the things that she needs and things that she wants. I am constantly thinking of her and what we can do to prepare for her...I know that as long as she is happy and Michael is happy, I don't need much else.
7. You respect your mother more than you did before. I am the first to say that I am both a daddy and a momma's girl. I think that my parents are great! My mom is caring, selfless, a good friend, listener. etc. I have always wanted to be just like her, but now more than ever. I am thankful for what she went through to get me here!
8. You love someone that you've never even met before. I can't wait for the day when I get to hold her in my arms. I am sure that the love that I am feeling right now won't even compare to that day, but it is amazing how much you can already love someone!
9. You see your husband in a whole new light. I love Mike for so many reasons, but in November I added another reason to why I think he's just great...he's the father of our baby. It's a whole new level of love that you feel for your spouse and I've learned you feel connected in a different way as well.
And those my friends...are things that the pregnancy books can't teach you!
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