Thursday, December 29, 2011

One dream I hope NEVER comes true!

Since I have been pregnant I have had the CRAZIEST dreams! I had one the other night that I hope NEVER happens in real life. I had a dream that I was out running errands with the baby for the first time and whenever I got out of the car to run into a store, I forgot to bring the baby with me. I would go into each store and someone I knew would be there and ask to see the baby (which was a girl!). I would start looking around everywhere and then realize that the baby was still in the car. I would run like a crazy woman back to where I had parked the car to get my poor little child. Every time I went back to get her, someone had wrapped her in lots of blankets and she was really hot. I would frantically unwrap her from the blankets and try to cool her down. One time when I went back to the car, I realized I had totally forgotten I had a baby and had piled my shopping bags on her car seat. I specifically remember there being a lap top laying on top of her.

The next thing I remember about the dream was the babysitter that we had hired was sick on a day that both Mike and I had to work. I had decided to take the baby with me to school on a field trip day. On the bus the driver told me that I had to do the best I could because he didn't want me to use his seat belts. So I was trying to calm 25 third grade students and keep my baby safe. Every time the driver would accelerate or turn a corner, the car seat would go sliding across the bus and all of my kids were trying to play soccer with the sliding car seat. What a nightmare!

Poor little child! I imagine the baby's face looked a little like this one..." uh, this lady is MY mother?! Oh great!"
Let's hope I'm a better mother than I was in my dream!

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