She is so incredibly funny. Her new thing is to scrunch her nose up whenever she smiles, which is constantly. When she scrunches her nose she also tucks in her bottom lip and breaths through her nose really fast. Hilarious. Let me tell ya.
She also waves at EVERYONE. She really loves the attention she gets when she grins that big gummy grin and waves at a stranger. They eat it up and so does she.
Addison is also starting to feed herself more than she has been. She loves being independent. I guess she gets that one honest ;) Some of her favorite foods include green beans (which I pinch up really small), bagels, cheerios, carrots, apples, chicken bits, mashed potatoes and her favorite CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP. My mom made her some one day while she was watching her and Addison will bounce in her high chair to get more. She can't get enough of it.
She still really enjoys music. I love to turn on Pandora to toddler radio and even Jack Johnson and she bounces and smiles the entire time. She also bounces to any other music, especially if we are out shopping and we go into numerous stores. It's likes she wants to make sure I know she likes it because she will grin and look at me before she starts to dance. I just love it. Daddy, I think ballet shoes are in our future!
She is also starting to grip things really well. I can tell she has been feeding herself more and more because she can take her pointer finger and thumb and pick up small objects where she used to use rake whatever it was with her entire hand.
O.M.G. we have a Mommy's girl. She hates if I am not holding her. Even if Mike has her and I am sitting beside him she will scream and cry until he hands her back to me. If you saw the Easter pictures I posted a few days ago, you will see my case in point. We wanted to have pictures with her before we headed out on Easter so I held her in front of the fire place and she grinned and smiled and waved and then I handed her to Mike....she flipped out! Screamed, cried, held her breath, but as soon as she was back with me, out came that gummy grin! Rotten!!
She is SOOO close to crawling. She's up on all 4's rocking back and forth, but she just hasn't taken off yet. Mike and I are working with her on this so hard and I know any day now she is going to be off!
Just as of today she has learned a new trick that her Daddy taught her. She has learned to give high 5's. She also throws her hands in the air whenever we say, "PRAISE JESUS!" She is so rotten it's ridiculous, but oh so cute!
She's definitely started with the "stranger danger" thing. I think her case might be a little worse because of the whole hospital ordeal, but I just feel so bad for her. Of course I run to the rescue so that she feels safe, but I won't be sad to see that fear end!
She is becoming so social with other babies. Just the other day Hannah and I took her and Tate to lunch and then to the park and the two girls just loved each other. It's a good thing because with their mommy's being such good friends, they never really had a choice :) It was really cute to watch them though. They would smile at one another, show each other toys and they even waved bye whenever we left. Addison and Olivia also have a lot of fun together. Olivia shares her toys with Addy and Addison just takes in everything that Olivia does. I can't wait for the memories that those two will make!
Oh how Addy loves Pumpkin. It is so a one sided friendship though! Whenever Pumpkin comes in a room Addy will reach for her and try to pet her and Pumpkin wants nothing to do with it. Poor dog!
Addison has also started holding her own bottle and drinking from a sippy cup. She is so funny because she knows that if she looks at the sippy for long enough, eventually someone will put juice in it. Turkey!
Still no teeth but we are working on it really diligently :)
Loving the last day of Mommy's spring break.
My attempt at the monthly chair picture. I think that after this, we might have to stop. She has figured out that she can rock the chair on her own and I can't step back for one second because she thinks it's a ride. Pretty funny, yet dangerous!
Watch out everyone, my Matilda Jane clothing is finally starting to fit!
Going to crawl at any second now!
I love those little cheeks
Look at wanting to play with Pumpkin, but what you didn't see is that I happened to snap this picture at Pumpkin was jumping back. She loves her doggy though!
I know this sounds so chiche and something that you hear mom's say all the time, but really, time flies by! I can't believe that in just 3 short months we will have a daughter who is 1. I am relishing every single moment with her because my little baby is disappearing in front of my eyes and I don't want to miss a moment. I just can't get enough of her!
Happy 9 month birthday sweet baby girl!
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