Our Addy Bug is 8 months old! I am sad to say this, but I am happy to see the 7th month go. My hope is that this month will lead to a fresh start for my sweet girl because her 7th month of life was not an easy one by a long shot. She has shown us that she is one tough, brave little girl and I couldn't be more proud that she is my daughter. I can honestly say with everything that she has been through this past month that I look up to her very much. She is such a strong baby with a great attitude and I can't say that if I had been through what she has been through that I would have handled it so well. She is one amazing little girl!
Addison weighs 15 pound exactly. She lost a pound because she was sick, but she has started to gain it back. She is 25 and 1/4 inches long and is still wearing size 2 diapers. With her clothing she can still wear some 6 month shirts, but pants are 6-9 months. She is very long like Mike, so she starts to wear footed PJ's a size up before she is that age because of her length.
She has proven that she is a mama's girl through and through. I love it! While in the hospital she would scream and cry every time someone else would hold her. I don't mind that she always wants her Mommy ;)
Addison loves all things shiny. My mom refers to her jewelry as "Addy Bait" now because she loves to play with anything that shines. Her daddy might have to buy her her first diamond :)
Addy says da-da, ma-ma and the consonants m,b,d, and n. She did tell me "No" one time but I do think it was a coincidence. At the hospital the nurse had just finished drawing blood and giving her medication and I was trying to give her a bottle. I assume she thought it was more medicine and she looked me straight in the eyes and said, "NO!" I guess it was a well deserved one!
We have discovered that Addison loves popsicles. While in the hospital there was a nourishment room that kept sugar free popsicles and one night we let her try one. She loved it! She also enjoys watermelon and pineapple juice that we have put in her net that holds fruit.
Unlike most children, she throughly enjoys when there are mascots around. On a random Friday night this past month we went to Chick-fil-A to eat dinner and there was a daddy/son football night going on. The Chick-fil-A mascot/cow was out and about in the restaurant and we took her to meet him. I would have bet money that she was going to scream and cry, but she laughed and played with him for a good 10-15 minutes. In fact, the section of the restaurant that we were eating in was all watching and laughing at Addison because she was so in love with this cow. This will be very good when we visit the Easter bunny very soon!
She still loves her stand and play piano, but she now has a new found love for one of her baby dolls that she received as a gift at Christmas. The doll is called Molly Manners and it sings to her about being polite and caring for others. She adores this doll!
Addy's favorite book is Pat the Bunny. Oddly enough, this was one of my favorites as a kid as well. She really likes the textures of different things and I guess that is what draws her to this book. There is a place to feel different cloths, a piece of sandpaper that acts as the Daddy's beard and other textured things in the book. There is also a mirror so she can see herself and I am sure that is another reason she is drawn to the book.
She has great hand-eye coordination! I am amazed at how well she can grab small items or swat a ball that is on a toy elephant she has.
She loves music and water. Addison has started this new dancing thing where she bounces up and down whenever she starts to play one of her toys that makes music. She also does this HILARIOUS new thing that we like to call the Funky Chicken. She literally takes one of her arms and flaps it like she is a chicken. Very odd, but the time she does it the most is when you put her down for bed. Who knows...
She has also started another pretty funny trick where she looks like she is chewing something, but she makes a popping sound. I don't know if she has watched us chewing our food or what, but it is too cute!
Mike and I still think that when she gets a little older she will want to take a dance class or play an instrument because she loves music so much. We also still think that she will like the water and might want to join the swim team.
Addy Bug, I know this past month has been a very hard month for you. I can't tell you how much I wish I could have taken your place through all of this so that you would have never had to feel the hurt and pain that you have endured. I am so very proud of you and I know that things are only going to get better from here. I hope you know how much Mommy and Daddy love you and how happy we are that we get to call you our baby girl. We love you so very much!!
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