Saturday, December 8, 2012

The new normal

For the past couple of weeks I've had a bit if writer's block. I've been thinking that we really haven't had anything really interesting going on, besides being super busy. Once I sat and thought about it I began to think that maybe the reason why something doesn't stick out as a good blog post is because our little family had developed a new kind of normal in life so nothing in particular seems to stick out anymore. We have a routine. We are adjusted to being mommy and daddy along with husband and wife. Don't get me wrong I can sit and talk about Addison all day long, but now it seems like we have made the adjustment. Here are some things I've noticed between the old normal and the new normal.

Old normal- sleeping in in Saturday until my internal clock told me it was time to get up.
New normal- sleeping until Addy's internal clock tells me it's time to get up (which is way earlier than mine!)

Old normal-Let's go visit my mom and dad.
New normal-Let's go visit Mimi and Papaw.

Old normal-"The outlet mall has J. Crew, Gap and The Loft!"
New normal-"The outlet has Gymboree and Carter's!"

Old normal-My sisters Brittany and Madison.
New normal-Addison's Aunt Madi and Aunt B

Old normal-Driving with the music cranked up
New normal-Driving in silence so you can hear every breath she takes.

Old normal-Finding the closest parking spot
New normal-Finding the spot close to the cart return so you don't have to leave your baby to return the cart once she is in the car.

Old normal-Holding my husband's hand for prayers before meals.
New normal-Forming a circle by holding my husband's hand and my daughter's to pray before a meal.

Old normal-Pumpkin is our baby.
New normal-We still love ya Pumpkin, but Addy comes first!

Old normal-Piddling in the classroom until 5 or 6 at night.
New normal-Running out the door ASAP to get home to my little family.

Old normal-Riding in the front seat of the car.
New normal-Riding with Addison so she doesn't cry all the way to our destination.

Old normal-Praying for our future children.
New normal-Literally rubbing my knees raw from praying for my baby girl.

Old normal-Not knowing all the answers to being a mommy.
New normal-Still not knowing the answers but trying harder at it than with any other thing you've ever done.

Old normal-Mike and Meg.
New normal-Mike, Meg and Addy.

What an amazing change this little girl has brought into our lives. I am so thankful for the new normal!

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