Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Normally the song goes "Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are your branches." I'm changing the lyrics a bit. My version is "Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, I want to throw you out the front door!"  And let me tell you why...

The other day while Addison took a nap and Mike worked on the basement, I put the tree together and worked very diligently to untangled about 6 strands of lights. I took me forever, but I was determined. After Addison woke up we spent time decorating the tree for the first time as a family of three. Of course we documented every single bit of it... (excuse my hair, Addison puked in it and at the time I really needed to visit the highlighting fairy!)

Notice the lovely lights...

In the middle of the night Addison woke up STARVING, so I came down to get her a bottle and walked past the tree on my way to the kitchen.."HOLD UP! I know it's 3 in the morning but something is not right about that tree!" were my thoughts. So half asleep I back up and take a better look at the tree. "Oh I know what's different...Only half of the tree has working lights!" I just unplugged it and figured we could take care of it in the morning.

Back upstairs I go with a warm bottle for Addison. I take her into her room, which at this point at night is only lit by her cute little pink Christmas tree. "HOLD UP! I know it's 3 in the morning but something is not right about that tree!" were my thoughts again as I sat down in her rocking chair and took a look at the tree. The entire middle of the tree was not lit. We had lights at the top, lights at the bottom, but no lights in the middle. What the heck?! Again I unplug the tree and think, "We'll just take care of it in the morning..."

So after we go up the next morning and had our coffee (because that's your life line when you've got a baby) I started messing with the lights on the tree to see what the deal was. I worked and worked on Addison's tree, but had not success. The tree in the living room was a little different. I was able to rig the strand of lights that were connecting to the bottom to make them come back on. So on we go....problem solved with the big tree. 

We ran out to do some errands and when we got home the lights were out on the top half of the tree again. Frustrated, I gave it another shot and this time I figured out that there was a short somewhere in the strand of lights and to fix it completely I would basically have to start over with the decorating. Not happening.

So because I don't have the time nor energy, our Christmas tree looks like this...

HA! Go ahead, judge me. I'm not fixing it. Our tree will just have to be beautifully lit from the "waist down" if you will.

Now Addison's tree is functioning again thanks to my dad. He fooled with that darn tree for a good hour when we was at our house last weekend and finally figured the problem out. Good to go in that department. 

I guess it's the thought that counts right? Because if it's the presentation then I'm screwed. Oh well...

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