I just really don't want to have a c-section, so I asked Dr. Wolfe if there was anything that could be done. She first told me that if she didn't flip around on her own that there is a procedure that can be done in the office that would make her flip head down. I would go in, receive an IV of pain medication and some medication that wold relax my uterus. They would then have three people in the room, one to hold the heart rate monitor and two people to flip her. One person would put a hand on her butt and the other on her head and they would literally push her around in my stomach until she was head down. This I have heard is really, really painful, but I think I would do this before I would be ok with having a c-section.
The other thing the doctor told me, which she said is not a medical recommendation just something that she had heard works, was to stand on my head in a pool. Weird prescription, but I am more than willing to try it. Luckily we leave for our babymoon on Tuesday and there will be the ocean and the pool for me to flip my pregnant self into a hand stand position in. Here's how we will be spending our week at the beach:
When we left the office I instantly googled natural ways to get a breech baby to flip. Here are my new best friends:

The internet suggests a list of things that can be tried to flip that baby back around. The first is to put a heating pad on your pelvis area because babies want to be warm and will naturally turn to the heat. They also suggested putting something cold at the top of your uterus so the baby would move away from the cold. I was not joking around last night with trying to get her to flip, so I tried both at the same time. The pillow suggestion is to put your hips above your heart for 10 minutes 2 times a day. The website also suggests propping an ironing board on the couch and laying slanted. I don't know if that sounds as safe as just using pillows, but I'm sure it would do the trick! And the iPod...which is used to play classical music under your belly button so the baby will move toward the music. They also suggested a flashlight, which I have said before I don't want to do, but at this point I will let that little light shine if she will move back around!
So, there you have it. You should have seen the sight at our house last night. Luckily Mike didn't have to watch me do all of these crazy things because he was out working. I had four pillows under my hips, a bag of frozen peas at the top of my stomach and music playing at the bottom of my stomach at the same time. My daughter and I also had a very serious talk while I was doing this. I told her that her mommy would really appreciate it if she would just flip back around so she could have her naturally and not with a c-section. I will do whatever it takes friends!
So I need your help! Please start praying that Addison will flip around naturally and that we don't have to have any procedures done to get her back into the correct position. Pray that I will not freak out just yet because there is time left for her to get head down. And also thank God that other than being breech, Addison has a perfect bill of health, which is the most important thing!
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