Addison's uncle Billy told me about the circus a couple of months ago and I've wanted to take Addison ever since. This weekend they were performing in Lexington and I couldn't pass it up. I'm so glad I didn't because I've never seen a child love the circus as much as my child did. She was seriously amazed. When we went into the arena her reaction was priceless. She pointed, grinned and said ,"WHHHHOOOOAAAAA!" She then proceeded to sit straight up and stare at the performers for about the next 30 minutes. It was priceless! I don't think that Mike and I watched the show at all for the first half because we were loving watching how Addy was reacting to the whole thing!
Getting ready for the circus

Of course she rode in style to the show ;)
Mimi and papaw joined the fun
And so did aunt Madi
Of course the intermission included a trip to the toy stand. Her daddy bought her an elephant and her papaw bought her a glow stick thing. She's rotten to say the least!
Picking out her toy
This is how she sat pretty much the entire time. Amazed by it all! We said it was worth double what we paid to watch how happy she was. Nothing like the pure innocent joy of your child!
Our family
That's the smile of a girl who had a ball!
After the circus was over we headed behind Rupp to get a good glance if the animals. It was free with your ticket, so we didn't pass up the opportunity.
Do you think that this girl loves her Papaw?! This makes my heart so happy!
Aren't they beautiful?! I've never seen a tiger so close up...
Checking out the animals
Then of course, we went to Mimi and Papaw's house and mommy snapped some more pictures
We asked her if she likes the circus...I think this is a definite yes!
I seriously can't wait to take this precious angel back next year. Watching her have so much fun make me so happy! I do believe it was money well spent!
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