Two days after Evelyn was born we got to bring her home from the hospital. Evelyn's coming home outfit is extra special because it's the same dress I wore home from the hospital when I was born and the dress that Addison was brought home in. I love that we've carried on the tradition of this special pink dress.
Before leaving the hospital Mike made a special trip home and picked up Addison. He brought her back to the hospital room so that she could be part of bringing her baby sister home. She was so proud and excited walking through the hospital with her baby sister in tow. She just beamed the entire time. Both girls did great on the car ride. Evelyn slept the whole time and Addison stared at her baby sister.
Today Evelyn turns a week old and I can't believe how fast the week has gone. We have been staying at home mostly and getting used to being a family of 4. It's been so nice to be here, relax, recover, and settle into our new routine. I can't believe how much more relaxed I feel with having a baby in the house this time around. Our little family of 4 is doing so great and Mike and I feel so blessed to have two healthy, beautiful girls in the whole world!
Here are some things I've learned about Evelyn in the few days she's been at home with us:
1. She's so incredibly easy going. Even when she's hungry, she really doesn't cry that much. She might whimper a little, but that's all. Other than that she lives up to the name I have her when I was pregnant- The Big Chill.
2. She loves to cuddle, especially if she can lay on your shoulder.
3. She's most awake between 12 and 3 am, which makes this mommy and daddy tired, but she's so worth it.
4. She's a sound sleeper. Addison has literally played a guitar in her ear while she's sleeping and she doesn't even flinch.
5. She's as sweet as can be. I've never seen a baby smile and be so content. Yes, she grins, and I really don't think it's gas. ;)
6. She favors her right side. When laying on her back some always turns her head to the right. Same is true while I'm nursing her. She likes to be tilted toward her right side and that's when she'll eat the best.
7. She's one incredibly loved little girl and we love having her as part of our family!
Evelyn all dressed up and ready to come home

The proud big sister ready to bring baby sister home

The girls. I told Mike that my heart and hands have never been so full!
Settling in at home
We took Evelyn in the meet the pediatrician and Addison had to dress like her sister...these are the matching outfits she chose for them to wear. I snapped this picture in Addison's room and it's quickly become one of my favorites I've taken since we came home.
Having some alone time with Addison. Love this good ball!
Addison's been having some great dates with her daddy while I've been resting and healing. She spent time at the zoo and has been fishing. We are lucky girls to have such a great daddy/husband!
Special science center date with Olivia
I die!
Evelyn relaxing in her "tanning bed." She's been jaundice and has had to spend a could days in this special bed to break down the bilirubin levels.
Cuddling with mommy
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