Holy mother of two year olds! See this beautiful little girl...
I swear someone took her in the middle of the night last night and replaced her with a whiny, temperamental, indecisive little girl.
I'm not sure why Addison woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but we've had a very long day that's been trying for this mamma. It seems like it didn't matter what I said to Addison today, it was not the right thing to say. If I said no, she said yes, then she's hange her mind. A million times.
For instance," Addison do you want to play outside?"
"Ok let's get your shoes on."
"Nooooooo!!! I don't want to go outside!" (Throws herself in the floor.)
Me: ????
Seriously, I dealt with that all day long.
She also got mad because I switched two vases of flowers around and she didn't like that I changed them so she took her full sippy cup and hit herself in the head as hard as she could.
Then I took her to Kroger to get new band aids (they are her thing) and she insisted she put one on herself with no help from me. I let her try but she put it on the wrong boo boo (which wasn't there to begin with) so se jumped up and landed in the hardwood floor on her butt. I thought she broke her tailbone.
I really don't get it. I was trying to stay calm with her because I was thinking maybe she might be getting sick and didn't feel good or something, but I'm not kidding I thought I was going to loose it. Addy spent a considerable amount of time in time out this afternoon.
It ended with the neighbor being so nice to Addison and bringing over a play lawn mower for her to use since they didn't need it anymore. She was trying to pull it around to the backyard. I simply tried to show her that you were supposed to push it instead of pull and this is what I got...

Are you serious?!
I tried everything today...movie/cuddle time on the couch with mommy...
Dress up...playing outside at her playhouse with lots of books (her favorites)
Finally after some time inside to cool down, she was alright for about the last hour before bedtime. She played at her playhouse and checked for mail in her mailbox...
Had a Popsicle and played with her water table...
Hopefully tomorrow after a good night's sleep this spunky,happy,kind little girl of mine will resurface!
Until then, I'm a accepting any tips you have to give me while I sit here with my extra large glass of wine I've just poured myself! Cheers! Good grief!
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