I must say this to start. Thank goodness that Easter is so much more than cheesy, almost scary, bunny costumes in the middle of the mall. If that were the case, my child would have a miserable time at Easter. We did try to see the Easter bunny, but I can't blame Addison for clinging to my side with all her might when she spotted probably the creepiest Easter bunny costume I've seem in a while. Instead of the bunny, we opted for walking around the mall, riding the "quarter car" in the kiddy playground and tossing pennies into the fountain.

Again, I say, I am so thankful that Easter is so much more than the decorations, candy, died eggs and pictures with the bunny. As our preacher said on Sunday, although the Friday before Easter is sad, we wouldn't have Sunday without Friday. I know this much... I am a terrible person apart from God's grace and Praise be to God that he sent his son to take my place. Honestly, after becoming a mom Easter means so much more to me than it did before. I always knew that God loved me and that he sent Jesus to take my place because he loved me so much, but now I see just how much. He loves Jesus like I love Addison and I just can't wrap my head around the sacrifice he made just to save me now that I know the love of a parent. Thankful doesn't begin to describe it. So my friends, we celebrate on Easter and everyday after. Worthy is the lamb who was slain....Happy Easter my friends!
We had a couple of egg hunts this year. One was with Mike's side of the family at his mom's house and then we hosted Easter for my side of the family at our new house. Addison did a great job at hunting the eggs, the only problem was that each time she found one she wanted to eat it instead of put it into her basket. Sugar overload!
Are they not precious?! This probably my favorite picture of Addison and Olivia.
The bunny sure was good to Addison. And yes, those are cashews you see on the table. Her mommy and daddy had to let the Easter bunny know how much she loves them!
church ready
Just watch Addison's face in this next series of pictures. They were too funny not to post all of them!
Billy and Madi...sorry we didn't get a picture of the two of you!
Happy Easter! He is risen!
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