Where have we been lately you ask? Well, big news for the Fogle's. WE MOVED!! And boy oh boy, it's been taking all of our extra time. We are so excited about our new house and can't wait to give you a tour, but lately we've been packing, stuffing boxes, lifting furniture, unpacking, cleaning, painting and more. I'm tired just typing it out.
Mike and I decided to put our house on the market and a week later we had an accepted offer. We were so excited, but had to pack really quickly. It was a good thing, but I think it caught us both by surprise. Now the house that we were in was actually a house that Mike built even before we started dating. The house had some renters, but ultimately it was God's plan for Mike to bring his bride home to that house, so after we got married that is where we moved. I can remember crying one night as we drove the drive to where I was familiar with the roads, and thinking how far away that house was from my family. I remember driving home, or trying to drive home, after work the first day of school and crying because I couldn't find my way home. I remember having to use a tomtom everywhere I went because I was so unfamiliar with the area. Let me assure you of this though...those first few weeks when I was scared and missed Lexington, I had no idea what was in store for me in the next 5 years in that house. You know the song, "The House that Built Me?" Yea, I don't think I could say it any better. I loved being in that house because Mike and I were newlyweds who were learning how to depend on one another. I was far enough away from my comfort zone that I was forced to figure things out, be independent and grow into a wife and a woman. Mike and I created our first home together, and eventually brought our baby girl home after she was born to that house. It is so sentimental to me for so many reasons, but ultimately I am so glad that God's plan for our first few years of marriage were different than what we had planned. I know I learned and grew so much in that home and I will forever cherish the memories we made while we lived there.
Ok enough sappyness...
While we were packing Addy bug made herself a good hide and seek spot. I guess when the whole house is pretty much empty, any place is a good hiding space!

moving day was also game day. Luckly our CATS won!

Our family amazing. My dad started painting on Friday after we closed on the new house and didn't stop until the next night when we stopped to watch the CATS play again. Bless his heart he painted for over 24 hours straight. We are so thankful for him and for everyone else that helped us get settled and moved. Addison of course, is a great helper and was helping her Papaw wipe off the walls.

We couldn't forget our giant panda bear. Papa was a huge help, too!

Bless her sweet baby heart. Her world was turned upside down and or course she was still smiling and being the biggest angel baby that ever lived. She is so easy going and I am so thankful for that.

We are LOVING our new house. I feel like we are finally down to just a few boxes instead of a ton that have to be unloaded and put away. We are now right in the middle of town instead of about 20 minutes outside of town. We couldn't love it more. The park is within walking distance as is a pond that we've been feeding the ducks at. Everything is close, really. We can walk to get ice cream at Homemade Pie and Ice Cream kitchen and Mike has even walked to Panera to get bagels. It's so great.

Addison is really loving all the flowers in bloom at the new house. She likes to look at them, but sometimes she likes to pick them. oops...

The subdivision is lined with dogwood trees that are currently blooming and the neighborhood is gorgeous!
One of my favorite parts about our new home is that we have neighbors. Living in the country, that is what I missed the most. I am social and like to talk and interact with people at home and man, oh man, we have lucked out with our new neighbors. The day after we closed on the house there were two families that brought over treats for us and introduced themselves. Since then they have treated us like we've lived in this house for years. One family has three kids and the other has 4. Some of them are teens, but one of the little boys is three. He and Addison have just hit it off and I love it. It makes my heart so happy to see her so excited to see the kids outside. The big thing with this group of kiddos is basketball and Addison has also taken a liking to it. These families are so sweet, let me tell ya.
One morning after church we got home and Addison had her first love note. Gavin, the three year old little boy across the street, had picked her flowers and left her a welcome note on our front porch while we were at church. I die. How sweet. Seriously. Addison still says, "Gabin give me flowers. They pretty." constantly. As if that weren't enough, the same day he brought over a balloon for her. I love it. Yesterday he brought her fruit snacks from his Easter basket. Love is in the air. ;)
My favorite story of all though has to be this one. One night Addison had to go outside and play with the boys. She was carrying a stuffed animal and one of the little boys said, " I bet you have a lot of toys at your house," to which she replies, "No." Seriously, her toys take up her room, another room and if we would let them spill over further she would probably fill up another room. Well these kids must have thought she was serious about having no toys, because the next day when I was pulling onto our street after work, there stood two of the kids from across the street at the edge of their driveway with handfulls of toys. Bless their hearts, I could have cried at how thoughtful they were. They gave Addison 5 or 6 new stuffed animals. I made sure they knew that we were so grateful and that they were so thoughtful. They probably think we are horrible parents who don't give our child toys. HA! I should invite them in the house to see for themselves!
Anyway, we are loving our new home, although we've been uber busy lately. Hopefully soon I'll be able to take you on a little tour of the new abode. Until then, off to unpack more boxes and watch my girl love having kids to play with around the house! This is great!
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