We had Addison's birthday party the day before her actual birthday because this year she turned one on a Monday and we figured that a lot of people wouldn't be able to drive up on a work night for her party. Sooooo....we celebrated Sunday and Monday. I think she deserves more than a day of celebration ;) I will share tons of pictures of her birthday party as soon as I have them. Mike's cousin's girlfriend (shew, hang with me) is a photographer and she took the pictures for us and I don't have them back yet. Side note: If you're a mommy and having a party for your little one, I HIGHLY recommend getting someone to take the pictures for you. Whether it's a professional photographer or a family member who is willing to follow you around with the camera, it's so worth it! I didn't have to worry about missing out on anything for Addison's party, I will actually be in the pictures with her and I was able to spend time with her and tend to our guests. Jolie took care of the pictures :)
So anyway, yesterday was Addison's actual birthday and she woke up to me singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her then filling her crib with tons of balloons. She LOVED it and who doesn't love playing with balloons in bed?!
Please excuse the mess that's all over her shirt...I honestly don't know what it is! lol...

Is that not a face who is loving life or what?!
After we played with balloons, Addison ate breakfast and we took a stroll in her new car that she got from Mike and I as a birthday gift.

I told Mike that this picture reminded me that although she is 1, she is still so small!
We cleaned up and headed into Louisville while Mike finished up work. Addison and I had a picnic and then we went to get frozen yogurt. She had cake batter yogurt and brownie yogurt, Both were a huge it.
**While we were eating the yogurt, Addison wanted to hold her own spoon. She discovered that if she hit her spoon on mine it would make a noise, so that's what we did for about 10 minutes. Each time she would get the biggest belly laugh. Turned out to be one of my favorite parts of the day!
We then headed to the zoo...
We looked at a few animals and then discovered that the new train we had been waiting to open was up and running so we headed back to the front of the zoo where we ran into some friends of ours. Addison and Anderson rode the train together, which was pretty cool. You couldn't see a whole lot of the animals but the train went through tunnels which all the kids on the train loved.
Here are Addison and Anderson waiting in line for the train...She loved him! In fact she isn't biting him in these pictures, she is kissing him :)
On the train...
After the train ride Addison rode the carousel for the very first time. She was a little apprehensive at first, as can be expected, so I put her in my lap and we rode on the sled part of the carousel. About half way through she felt comfortable and we switched to let her ride on one of the horses.
It was the perfect day to go to the zoo. The weather was hot, but not unbearable and the crowd was very mild.
Of course we had to stop and let our little bug swing since it's her favorite!
Anderson and Addy rode in the wagon and shared a snack of cookies and juice while being pulled around the zoo...oh the life!
After the zoo we took Addison to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory where she got a small sundae and the staff sang Happy Birthday to her. She was on cloud nine!
And now here we are, a day later, and a TODDLER. How did that happen?!
Addison, I had the best day yesterday with you and your daddy. I love that you had a great first birthday!! My heart could just burst little girl!!
Happy Birthday Addison! Her smile is so contagious ; )