Tuesday, January 8, 2013

6 months

My baby is 6 months old today. How does time pass by so quickly? Just last night I was going through her closet and putting clothes that she has outgrown into storage tubs and I just couldn't get over how small the clothes were that she wore when we brought her home from the hospital. She is growing into a beautiful, funny, easy going, loving and happy baby girl. We love to see her personality develop each day, and as Mike says, we really lucked out with her! She is the sweetest baby I've ever known!

One of Addison's newest trick this month has been learning how to whistle. Her daddy whistles all the time and I think she might have picked up on it. Now it's not acutally whistling as you and I would do it, but she does blow air out of her mouth which makes a sound. She does it constantly and we think it is hilarious.

She has been learning how to wave hello and bye-bye. Sometime she takes that little left hand and tried to mimic your wave after she has very intently watched you show her. She is really catching on to this.

She LOVES the Itsy-Bitsy Spider. Every time I sing it, she smiles. We have a book that has about 5 different verses to the song and it is also her favorite book.

I swearI love this picture. What a contageous smile!! I melt!

I think she is going to be left handed. She grabs everything with that hand, tries to wave with that hand, grabs her left hand with her left foot, basically everything is left handed.

Addison can roll from her back to her belly and from her belly to her back. She also pushes up and can hold the position for a pretty good amount of time. She has been trying to get her feet under her and I have a feeling she will be crawling soon.

She said Da-Da this month. That's right, her first word was da-da. She said it as plain as day and then turned at looked at me like, "I'm really sorry, Mom!" I was so proud. Then the very next day she said good. She's so amazing!

Oh how Addison loves Pumpkin....

And Elmo...

And Veggie Tales!

She has had her first round of antibiotics since she has been battling a double ear infection these past few days. I think she is starting to be on the mend, but she has been one sick little girl.

Addison is also starting to grasp the concept of sitting up and she barely needs me to hold on to her anymore!

Her favorite food is by far green beans. She will dive face first into the container of them because she can't wait to get them into her mouth. She also really likes carrots, squash and apples.

And my favorite...my girls gives THE.BEST.KISSES. around! When I get home from work she will always come to me, put her little hands on each side of my face and lean in to give me a kiss. She will smile, look at me and then do it again as if she is trying to say, "I'm so glad you're back; I have missed you!" It makes whatever kind of day I have had all better in just a couple of seconds!

Oh how amazing life is with this little girl!

Addison, I can't believe that today we are celebrating your half birthday! You are simply amazing and I am amazed by you. You make me so proud to be your mommy and I love you so very much!! Happy 6 month birthday, baby girl!

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