When Addison first came home from the hospital Mike and I were scared, no TERRIFIED, to put Addison not only in her crib, but in the other room. I was crazy scared for about the first two months at night. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a little scared, but no where compared to where I started. I would start to almost dread when the sun would go down because I just knew something was going to happen to Addison during the night. I had such issues with this that in my sleep I would dream that Addison had woken up crying and I was rocking her in the bed. I would dream I would fall asleep while rocking her and then about an hour would pass and I would wake back up only to find her missing in the bed and I wouldn't be able to find her. These nightmares would lead me to actually start frantically searching for her in our bed while I was still sleeping and Mike would have to wake me up out if this horrible dream. I'd be so disoriented that I would still keep looking for her even after Mike had shaken me out of the dream. Oh it was awful! I think it came from the fact that the hospital strongly stresses not putting the baby in the bed with you because all these horrible things would happen. Subconsciously that conversation freaked me out.
One reason why I was so scared was that Addison wasn't even 6 pounds when she came home from the hospital. She was so incredibly small! Also, she was born a couple weeks early so she would spit up all the time. I just knew if we laid her in her crib she would choke and I either wouldn't hear it or couldn't get to her fast enough. So Addison started sleeping in a hammock next to our bed. This was so great because it was portable and it tilted her up. It also hugged her body making her feel secure. Looking back I know that didn't help the transition to sleeping on a flat surface but we just weren't ready for the crib.
So around Thanksgiving we decided that we would try to get Addison to sleep in her crib when I was home for winter break. So I tried that and she just wasn't having it. I would have her in a deep sleep and the second I would lay her down, she would wake right back up. She would also wake up many times throughout the night. Around the third night of trying, I decided I had to get some sleep, so back in the little hammock she went. I know was not helping matters, but the whole crying it out, staying up all night thing is not for us. At least not while she's this age.
Then two weekends ago Addison was restless all night long. So much so that we ended up putting her in her swing so that she could get some sleep and this is what I woke to...
Seriously, something had to be done! This child is way too big for that! So again we thought about trying the crib and guess what, SHE DID IT!!!! I totally had that moment the next morning when wake up and realize that you got a full night's sleep and then you freak out wondering if your child is ok. Here is what I got when I went into her room...
Now that's a happy girl...with one proud mama!!! The next morning she was bright eyed and bushy tailed! Just look at that sweet little face enjoying her breakfast.
Yay Addy Bug!!!! Way to go baby girl!!!!