Addison really got into the Christmas spirit this year and it was so much fun for this Mama. By no means am I a Martha Stewart who can do all the cute things from Pinterest, but I can't at least try ;) I really have noticed lately that Addison is really into helping me cook, so this year we made lots of cookies it seemed like. Here is Addison making gingerbread cookies...

We also had a lot of fun making the salt dough ornaments that I do each year. I normally press her hand into the ornament, but this year I noticed that her little hand is getting bigger (tear) and it might not work next year. I am sure I will come up with an alternative!

We decorated the tree...

Learned about the nativity... (She is convinced the Jesus is a a girl...there's always next year!)

Played hide and seek with the snowmen...

And got really excited to have a matching PJ outfit with baby Belle.

Addison did a really great job this year talking with Santa. She loved him so much that she got to go a second time to visit Santa with Olivia.
Then her daddy helped her make cookies for her teachers at school.
Mommy took Daddy to a B. You class (yes, friends, he went) and it was so fun!
We even had a girls' night painting ornaments and drinking hot chocolate while Daddy worked late one night.
One of our favorite things to do this Christmas was make popcorn and drive around looking at Christmas lights. Addison really enjoyed all of the colored lights on houses and the blow up Frosty the Snowman that we saw quite often.
The closer it got to Christmas Eve Addison made reindeer food to help the reindeers fly from house to house. We mixed in a little oats and magic sprinkles. On Christmas Eve she scattered it around the grass so the reindeer would get more magic to fly.
Our family sure had a great Christmas filled with lots of fun time with family. We hope that your Christmas seasons was filled with lots of time with family, love and most importantly, Jesus!
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