Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The start of preschool

Two weeks ago my baby girl started preschool. What a crazy thing! I can't believe she is old enough to start school, but it was even crazier dropping her off with someone I barely knew. Granted, I was still in the building and right around the corner from her, it was still hard to leave her as she was crying for me. See, addy has never stayed with anyone that is not family, so it was scary for her to go with someone that was essentially a stranger to her. I had prepped her for her teachers Elizabeth and Mary, but I didn't realize there would be a third person caring for her in the before school program. Susan is so sweet and great, but Addison wasn't prepped for her so she kind of lost it. The first day it took me thirty minutes to get her to stay and she was still screaming when I left. The second day took about 10 minutes and then that Friday she barely cried. I am so proud of Addison and how quickly she is adapting to going to school. I can't imagine how she feels knowing that I'm in the building but that she can't come to me. See, I teach at the school addy goes to, but I teach a different grade level, so I'm in the building where I can check in on her. I know she doesn't understand, but her teachers are so great ans she will adapt soon I'm sure. 

Addison has already learned so much and Mike and I have seen a huge difference in how she interacts with others her age. She shares better, and she always goes up to other kids and starts a conversation. At the park, she'll walk right up to another child and ask them what their name is. She's so social and I love it. She has leaned the song "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" a song about two frogs (jack and Jill), she has a new love for the Pete the Cat books and the book Going on a Bear Hunt. Her class is studying the pond so she is learning animals from the pond, songs about frogs, all things green and more. She also loves going to library with Mrs. Mary Ellen and always tells me about the books she reads to her. She has also been learning about her 5 senses with Mr. Eric the science teacher. 

She's going to do so great this year! I'm so proud of my sweet baby girl! Here she is on her first day of preschool...

This picture was emailed it me the other day at school...she loves Mrs. Mary!
Mike has started adventure day Friday after he picks her up from school. This past Friday they rode bikes across the walking bridge into Indiana and got ice cream at a little shop that sits on the river. 

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