This was my baby the day before I went back to school last year:
And here she is this year the day before I went back for the first full week before the students start back.
First of all is that not the most beautiful child you've ever seen? Secondly, where in this world did my baby go?!
School started today for me and it's always a bittersweet feelings. I am so happy that I have started a new job at a new school, but one of the hardest parts is leaving my family after I've gotten a little taste in my mouth of what it's like to be a stay at home mommy. That's the perk of my job, you see. I get to stay home in the summer and I am so thankful for that. It gives me extra playtime and cuddles with Addison and I will forever cherish those memories that we make while I am home in the summer. I can't believe summer went so fast this year though. I guess it was because of all the snow days/make up days that were added on to the end of the school year last year, but here we go again! School's back in session my friends and I am so thankful for the memories we made as a family this summer,because you know what I've realized? My child is growing up at the speed of light. It doesn't happen right in front of my eyes (or maybe it does and I just don't realize it) but when I look at the pictures posted above I notice that she's turning into a little girl and it's happening oh so quickly. So you know what I want to do? I want to squeeze her, love on her, read to her, play with her and spend as much time as possible while I have her in this stage of life. I can't believe how much she's changed over the course of a year and I don't see it because I am with her every day. So, I'll say it again, thankful is what I am so a summer spent at home with my family each year!