This past weekend was Thanksgiving. Mike and I decided we would tell our parents whenever we got together to celebrate. Pumpkin had a large role to play in the big reveal. Everyone knows that she is like our child, so technically, she is going to be a big sister. There was no way that we couldn't involve her in sharing our secret, so I went out last weekend and bought Pumpkin a plain colored t-shirt. On the back I painted I'M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER for her to wear when she spread the big news. Below is Pumpkin enjoying the Thanksgiving weather in her new t-shirt:

On Thursday we met Mike's mom and dad at their house so that we could carpool to our Thanksgiving Day destinations. We were running a little bit late (kind of on purpose, but kind of because I was sick) so both Louie and Fonda were waiting in the kitchen when we pulled in. Whenever Pumpkin goes to Mike's parents or to my parents, she has to make her rounds and say hello, so what a better way to tell them all than to dress her up and let her go. Below is the video of Pumpkin telling her Nana and Pawpaw the big news (I would say they are excited!)
On Friday we went to have Thanksgiving with my family. Again, Pumpkin wore her special t-shirt to reveal the big news. My mom had kind of suspected that something was going on, so a few days before I told her a little fib to throw her off. The first thing that she said (apart from crying and saying, "You are?! You are?!) is, " YOU LIED TO ME!" HA! It had to be done! My dad is also very excited. He has been saying that he has a new fishing buddy. Here are pictures from my side of the family:
Watching my family read the shirt
Mom figuring out that her outfit says something special :)
Hugs begin
Brit seeing if she can feel little bit in there
The proud grandparents to be
Mike showing dad the video of when his mom found out
He's a happy man
The happy hubby
Mom sharing the big news with her sister, my Aunt Debbie
We are so excited that the news is out with at least our family. Most of them have even chosen the name that they would like to be called. :) To say they are ecstatic would be an understatement. Mike and I had a great weekend and the excitement continues to grow!