Evelyn is one month old-how in the world did that happen? She's doing great and growing like a weed. She is the perfect addition to our family!
At her checkup Evelyn weighed 10lbs 5oz, which is the 57% percentile. She is 21.25 inches long (36 percentile).
Evelyn is sleeping very well at night. We put her down around 10ish and she sleeps until almost 4am. After her 4 am stretch she will sleep again until around 6:30. Not bad at all for a 4 week old baby.
Evelyn is wearing newborn diapers and mostly newborn clothing. She can wear some 3 month outfits and I'm noticing the newborn outfits are quickly becoming too tight. Babies don't keep!
She drinks 4 ounces at each feeding and during the day she eats every three hours.
She is becoming more alert during the day. After eating she stays awake for about 30 minutes before napping. She loves resting in her swing.
She is so strong and enjoys tummy time. When we do tummy time with her laying in our chest she will push her legs off our arms and move herself up our body. Her strength is amazing!
She is so easy going and laid back. Poor girl, her big sister is always kissing her, moving her arms and legs, rubbing her head, etc. and Evelyn is so tolerant.
Some things Evelyn loves:
-being swaddled and night time
-her bath
-being carried in the ring sling
-walking outside
-Lights and ceiling fans
-her big sister
- constant noise (yes, she hates it quiet!)

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