Thursday, August 25, 2016

Evelyn- 2 months

September 17, 2016

Evelyn is two months old now and is so much fun. She's the happiest, easiest going baby I've ever met and she is such a little blessing to our family. Evelyn sleeps so well for 8 weeks old. She goes to be around 9, sleeps until 3:30, eats and goes back to bed until around 6:30-7. I'll take it! She smiles at everything and loves when you talk to her- she loves to talk back to you!

Here are some things that Evelyn loves:
Her passie
her swing
bath time
to hold your finger while eating
her milk
big sis
The sound machine and projector that we turn on when she goes to sleep
 fans and lights
 her playmat 

Some highlights from this month:
Evelyn met her Great Grandma Fogle, stayed the night with Mimi and Papaw while her daddy was out of town and went to the zoo for the first time.

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